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"It's today. Madi, it's today. I'm getting married." Ada squeals excitedly, already dressed in her dress.

"Wow, you look very... dressed in white." Madison comments.

"Thank you" Ada smiles. "I've got to go meet him now, do I look okay?"

"You look beautiful, Ada." Madison tells her, surprised when her older sister pulls her in for a hug.

"Thank you for all your support. I don't reckon I would've done this without you, and you promise you won't tell-"

"Our brothers, of course I won't. Go be happy.... Mrs Thorne." Madison inputs, pulling away.

"Right. Wow, I'll have to get used to that." Ada says, the realisation of her situation suddenly crashing down upon her, yet instead of becoming a nervous, scared wreck as most would, she gave her sister another hug, smiling gleefully and squeezing Madison.

"Off you go, don't be late to your own wedding. That's something I would do." Madison jokes.

"Oh, can't be having that." Ada laughs, kissing Madis cheek, before running off down a side lane.


"Hello dearest brother of mine," Madison greets, stepping into Tommy's office. "You're in the mood to be annoying aren't you?" Tommy sighs, looking up from his paperwork.

"First of all, I don't annoy everyone, you're just very easy to piss off, secondly I am always in the mood to annoy you. It's hilarious. Thirdly, I actually want to talk to you about something." Madison replies, sitting opposite her brother, stealing a cigarette from his open case and using her lighter to light it, whilst he collected the papers he was working on, placing them into his top right desk drawer, looking back to her, indicating he was ready to listen.

"What's your plan for Kimber? For the races?" Madison questions, "and don't bother lying to me, Thomas. I know you have a plan, and I can tell when you're fibbing."

"How?" Tommy asks.

"Now why would I tell you that? Knowing when you're lying is practically a superpower" Madison jokes.

"You don't know." Tommy scoffs, and she smiles at him, tilting her head slightly, "I also know when you're nervous." Madison states.

"I don't like that." Tommy sighs, "don't like what?" Madison asks. "You know more about me, than I know about myself." Tommy replies.

"Tom, it's not something you can fix. I wouldn't just let you have obvious tells, especially with the enemies you seem to be collecting." Madison tells him. "Speaking of enemies. Kimber, what's your plan?"

"The Lees are planning an attack, they're paying off Kimbers men to get better access at races. Our men are going to get Kimbers money back and return it to him, it will give him a reason to listen to me and accept my deal." Tommy explains.

"And what is it you're hoping to get out of your deal?" Madison queries.

"Five percent of the take and three betting pitches at every race, north of the River Severn." Tommy states.

"Seems fair. What if he says no?" Madison replies.

"I've got a clause. I am making this deal." Tommy says.

"What's the clause, Thomas?" Madison asks. "That is none of your concern." Tommy answers.

"It is, especially as I've got the feeling you're going to do something incredibly dumb. Thomas Michael Shelby, tell me what the clause is." Madison demands, her tone firm, yet soft. It was sort of chilling.

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