(5) Lance

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"Prolonged encounter, long time no see." A voice speaks from the shadows, down by the cut.

"Hello Lance." Madison replies, fixating on the outline of his figure as he stepped out of the darkness.

"You requested to foregather, my lovely." Lance says.

"I need information." Madison states.

"And here I was theorising you corresponded because you missed me." Lance teases.

"There's an Irish woman that's moved here. I feel like she's hiding something. I wrote to you because firstly, there's no one else I trust to do this, and secondly, you're the most reliable." Madison explains.

"Does thy maiden have a denominate?" Lance questions.

"She does have a name, yes. It's Grace. Grace Burgess." Madison tells him, "and stop talking like that, idiot."

"But it was fun." Lance pouts, "I can get your information, I'll bring you a file when I've dug my way through the system like a gopher."

"Thank you." Madison smiles, "and a warning before we get back to my house, my brother isn't happy whatsoever, and has requested that you sleep on the sofa."

"That's ... kind. Can't I just sleep on the floor though?" Lance asks.

"You want to sleep on the floor?" Madison repeats.

"Well, yeah. I'm not allowed to at home, my brother is worried I'll develop sciatica like he has." Lance replies.

"Sure, if you want to sleep on the floor... you can." Madison tells him.

"Brilliant, thank you." Lance smiles, "now, where does the infamous Madison Shelby live?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Madi responds.

"I shall follow you, m'lady." Lance says, gesturing for her to lead on. "I'll take you the back way, less chance of being seen." Madison explains.


"People are terrified of what lurks in the shadows. Reckon they'll get jumped if they walk down here." Madi replies.

"And you're not scared?" Lance asks.

"Lance, I'm one of the people they're scared of." Madison laughs.

"Fair enough. I remember you seeing a spider, that's terrifying." Lance teases, and she pushes him lightly, rolling her eyes.

"I'm not scared of spiders anymore." Madison replies.

"So you no longer let out high-pitched screams and jump onto chairs?" Lance questions. "Of course not." Madi responds.

"Now, why don't I believe you?" Lance chuckles. "I don't know, I think I'm a very trustworthy person." Madison replies.

It took around five minutes for the two to make it to the Shelbys front door, Madison pushing the door open and holding it for Lance.

"I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this." Lance comments, looking around.

"What were you expecting?" Madison asks.

"I don't know, a weapon dungeon? Knives and guns on the wall." Lance shrugs.

"My Aunt would hate that, especially with Finn running about." Madi replies.

"Finn?" Lance inquires.

"Someone say my na- who's he?" Finn questions, poking his head through the curtain.

"This is Lance, Lance this is my little brother Finn." Madison introduces.

"Favourite brother." Finn corrects, stepping out from behind the curtain.

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