Chapter 2

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The windows of the limousine were darkened so that no one could see inside and I was honestly really grateful for that because I didn't want people to see me like this. But in a few minutes I had to open the door and then flashlights will blind my sight and I have to show the whole world that I'm fine and happy to be here.

But I'm not. I'm not fine and in no case happy. I should probably be, because for other teenagers this would have been the best opportunity in their whole life. But I'm the prince of Sweden and I'm used to this life style. Not that I like my life. I would rather be a normal boy with a normal life. A boy who never gets followed by paparazzis and who no one cares about if he gets in a fight. But I can't change my life, even if I wanted to. At least I'm not the Crown Prince like my brother who will be the king one day.

In most movies everyone in the royal family wants to become a ruler, regardless of whether King or Queen. They kill each other and make up intrigues just so they have power and strength over a whole country.
I really don't get why they would want to be a ruler. Isn't it enough to enjoy the benefits of the royal life? You can have everything you want and everything you wish for and you still want more. That's just pathetic.

"Are you ready, Wilhelm? Wilhelm, are you listening?, Erik interrupted my thoughts. "Yeah. Are we there yet?" As a response he pointed with his index finger through the darkened glass to the outside where I could finally see Hillerska.

It looked almost like a castle and the nature around it was beautiful. A lake was right next to a big barn where I could see a few students cleaning their horses. On the lake, rowers were training with their rowing boats and some people seemed to enjoy their lunch break outside on one of the many fields. They all looked up when they noticed the big fancy car coming down the driveway.

I could see that the boarding school has really made an effort to welcome me and show me how great they were. All the students immediately stood a little straighter and fixed their uniforms when they saw me arrive. At the entrance to the main building I could already see all the employees and teachers lining up to welcome us.

"Isn't it amazing? I think you will learn to love Hillerska. Look there's August!", my brother said in an enthusiastic tone that I should probably have too. Maybe it wasn't that bad and I could really find new friends here. One human I hopefully won't be friends with stood right infront of us. August. He is the definition of a rich snob and I can't even blame him for that. He always was this way which was why I never really liked him even if I was related to him. But Erik seemed to like him and opened the door right away to give him a friendly hug.

Now I had to get out of the car even if I wanted to stay in there for ever and never come out. One last time I fixed my suit and my hair and then left the car. Apparently not many paparazzis were allowed on school ground and I was grateful for that. Only one photographer stood unobtrusively a little behind August and another woman I did not know.

"Great to see you again Wilhelm!", August said while coming up to me and shaking my hand. He then patted my head as if I was an pet, that's what he always did when we saw each other in the past. I pulled away from him annoyed, turning to the women next to him. "Welcome to Hillerska. I'm Annette, the headmistress here." She looked at me as if I should say something but I couldn't think of a good answer. Luckily the photographer wanted to take some pictures with August, Erik and me so I was pulled away from Annette.

"That's Alexander Bragé, son of Ulf Bragé who is the owner of Bragé Investment."
The boy shook our hands. He was clearly nervous and was shaking slightly. "Straighten up.", August whispered in his ear, thinking that no one would hear it. Then August continued loudly, "You both have some bags to carry inside, I assume? Alexander can carry them for you." August treated the boy like a servant and I wouldn't let him get through with that behaviour. "No, it's fine. I can carry them myself-"

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