1. Birthday Boy :)

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5:00 AM. That's when Kotaro woke up. He yawned as he sat up. He turned to look at the black haired male next to him and smiled. He loved Tetsuro so so much. His messy hair he has styled like that 24/7, his pretty amber eyes, his goofy but serious personality, just- everything about him. Aside from that, it was Kotaros birthday! He was officially 21 now. He got out of bed, careful to not wake up his sleeping lover next to him. After his eyes adjusted more, he looked up to see two choices. "Immortality" and "Teleportation". He had to choose which power he wanted for the rest of his life. "Teleportation could come in handy for whenever I'm late or something.. But.. Immortality- gahh! That sounds so cool~!" He mumbled in excitement. "I'll go with.." Kotaro thought for a moment. "Immortality.. Yeah that's cool! Just imagine living forever and never dying! Hahaha~" He chose immortality. With that, he was on his way to actually get ready.

He walked to the bathroom downstairs [to make less noise] to take a shower. He was done at 5:46. Kotaro walked around to make himself breakfast as he dried off. He made a simple piece of toast with butter and had some milk. After he had eaten, he went upstairs to get dressed. He was quiet so he didn't wake up his sleeping boyfriend. He quickly grabbed his clothes and put them on.

Kotaro went back downstairs and grabbed his water bottle. Then he left to go to the gym for his daily workout.

A few minutes after Kotaro left, Tetsuro woke up.

He sat up in a sleepy daze. Tetsuro rubbed his eyes and got out of bed. He didn't bother making the bed, he'll do that later. He went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. He had plans to hang out with his best friend since junior high, Kozume Kenma. They planned on going to a coffee shop nearby. After Tetsuro took his shower and got dressed and ready for the day, he left.

As he walked to the coffee shop, he bumped into his old high school nemesis and Tetsuro could only assume his boyfriend as they were holding hands.

"Oi watch out!" The green-haired snake hissed at Tetsuro.

"I'm ever so sorry, Daisho" Tetsuro said as sarcastically as he could.

Daisho's blonde haired boyfriend just stood in silence, not knowing what the fuck just happened.

Daisho rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Come on, Yūji." He said as he lightly pulled the younger one closer. "Okay okay haha"

"Damn that was pretty fruity." Tetsuro mumbled. "Anyways- I'd rather not be late to my platonic coffee date with Ken-Ken" he sighed and continued walking.

Within 5 minutes, Tetsuro arrived and walked in the shop.

"You're late, 'Tetsy-Kun' " A certain 5'6 worldwide known streamer said.

"Oh come on Ken-Ken, drop the name!" Tetsuro pouted, even though he kind of liked the name. "It's been years" he groaned as he sat down. "And I'm only late by a few minutes!"

"We agreed we'd meet here at 7:00 sharp. And what time is it right now? 7:02 AM! Tsk, tsk, Tetsy-Kun. You should definitely be ashamed right now" Kenma sighed and sarcastically rolled his eyes. "Now buy me my breakfast for being ever so late!" He jokingly demanded.

"Oh come on, do I reaaaalllllly have to?" Tetsuro groaned. "You're the rich one, Ken-Ken" Tetsuro laughed.

"Sigh, I suppose I'll buy my own food.." Kenma chuckled a bit. "I'll pay for the both of us, I'll let you buy the stuff for Bokuto's birthday stuff. Only ask me for money if you're wallet breaks, 'kay?" Kenma said

"Got it" Tetsuro replied.

"Now tell me what you want you little shit, before I change my mind." Kenma looked dead serious about the 'before I change my mind' part.

Immortality and Regret | BoKuro & BokuKen AUWhere stories live. Discover now