when you're sick

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Pepperony: you were one person to act sick so you could skip school and stay home playing video games so Tony would get Bruce as he's much better at the whole medical part of science, Bruce would give you the necessary medicins that would get you back on your feet faster

"dad I'm not feeling so good"

"Oh really?"

"Yes reallyyy"

"Alright then let's go get Bruce"

Steve: if it was minor he'll tell you to walk it off or just take a nap, otherwise he'll give you tons of gross medicines or soups that were supposed to help

"What even is that dad it smells like shit"

"Language y/n and it's just medicine so stop whining"

Clint: he would make sure that you're comfortable maybe put on a movie. But as you were a huge drama queen he would call Natasha and ask her what to do which most of the times resulted in her coming over to look after you

"Daaaaaaaaaaaadd my heads goooonnaa explode"

"No it wont little arrow"

"Yes it wiiill self destruction in three...twoo..onee..? and a haaalf?"

"..imma just go call Nat"

"Good choice"

Bucky: he would cancel everything he had planned to look after you, he would cook your favourit meals and constantly check up on you and ask if you're missing something to the point were it actually became annoying

"You good y/n?"

"Dad you just asked that will you please just let me sleep"

"Oh yeah of course, I'll leave"


"want some tea befo-"

"Omg out dad"

Loki: he actually was pretty calm about it, for a small cold he could make it disapear with a little magic but if it was a fever he'll make sure that you're comfy. And he would hurt anyone who dared to disturb or annoy you when you're sick

"Hey dad, have you seen (random name) they were supposed to get me some food"

"..you asked them to get you food?"

"Yeah they never came though"

"Ahem I'll be right back darling"

Pietro: he doesn't have good medical abilities but that didn't matter, he would run out for snacks and then build a pillow fort so you could have a movie marathon

"do you wanna go annoy Wanda?- hey why are you looking so down Speedy?

"I think I have a fever can we just watch a movie?"

Next second your sitting in a pillow fort in front of the TV with your dad standing in the doorway with his arms full of snacks

"You prefer chips or popcorn?"

Matt(daredevil): you were a person who always denied being sick but he always knew when you're sick. He would stay home from work, make you soup and tea and put on a movie in your room or in case you wouldn't want to be alone you would listen to music or an audio book in the living room

"Morning dad" you said in a weak raspy voice

"Good morning little demon how are you?"

"I'm alright"

"Sure thing, you dont want some tea and soup then?"

"yknow that would be very nice but not because I'm sick"

"As you say then" he said and chuckled

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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