How you meet

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y/n-your name

e/c-eye colour

Pepper/Tony: The day was finally here Tony and Pepper couldn't belive when they found out Pepper was pregnant with their child. And today their baby were gonna come out to the world.  

Tony sat and wainted anexiously in the waintingroom ouside. Let just say Pepper weren't really fond of Tony's so called "pep talk" so she got a "little" mad if we even can call it that. He had now been sitting in the waiting room for 2 hours until a nurse came.

"congrats you got a girl", the nurse said.

"thank you, nurse", he thanked back.

He made his way over to the room were Pepper and his newborn girl were. When he got in the room he saw Pepper sitting on the bed holding thier babygirl. Tony sat down on a chair beside the bed he then put a gentle finger in the little girls hand and she gripped it.

"so a girl, no Tony jr then?"

"we wouldn't name here that even if she was a boy, I were thinking of ...y/n", she said smiling at her daughter.

"perfect", he couldn't do anything else but smile, he never been so happy.

Steve: Steve were out running laps around the park after a mission were they almost lost a man of the team. Steve felt like it was his fault even if it really wasn't and training was a hideout from his problems. After running some laps he realized that he can't run from his problems. So he sat down on a park bench and started thinking about everything he could do different after thinking of the mission he started thinking of Peggy it's been 2 months since he lost her if it wasn't for Hydra they could started a family togheter.

Steve got shoot out of his thoughts when he heard a small wailing coming from the bushes he looked in and saw a baby in a greyish blanket.

"why are you here all alone, little one?"

"well I guess i'm gonna take care of you now...y/n."

Clint: Clint were going to the store, why? you might wonder well he ate all of Thors potarts so in hope not to get killed he promised Thor to go buy more.

To hopfully get to the store faster Clint decided to walk in an alleyway. When he passed some dumpsters he heard a wierd sound, he didn't think of it much until the sound got louder and formed into a scream. Clint got curios and decided to check were the scream came from. He moved some trashbags and he got shocked and upset at the same time about what he saw, it was a baby.

"what kind of monster would leave you like this?"

you then reached your small arms out to him and he gently took you in his arms and you directly stoped crying, he smiled down at your sparkely eyes.

"i'm never gonna leave you."

Bucky: The team were out saving people from a hydra base. Bucky still didn't like the fact going into a hydra base but he knew it was the right thing to do so more people wouldn't need to go trough the same things that he once did.

They thought they had gone trough the hole base until Bucky found another room.

"guys I found another room"Bucky said in the earpiece.

"you can go in, Barnes"said a manly voice from the earpiece.


Bucky hit the door open, when he looked around the room he saw what looked like a 2 months old baby. He carefully carried the baby in his human arm and made his way over to the jet were the others were wainting. When he reached the jet he got greeted by Tony"hey man, whats up with the kid?"

"shut up, Stark"he said back

Steve then laid a gentle hand on Bucky's shoulder and asked what he was gonna name you.

"y/n...y/n Barnes.

Loki: Loki just had another meeting with the allfather that turned out to a argument pretty fast and the worst thing was that no one was on his side besides Frigga not even Thor, sure he got out of jail but still no one fought he had changed from his old self.

The gardens outside the palace were beutiful and a place were no one would judge him. 

After wandering around a few minutes he heard small repeted sounds, he didn't think of it much tho but that was until he heard a soft cry. The sound came from a little pile of leaves. Loki brushed away a few leaves and got shocked about what was infront of him, infront of him was a baby wrapped in a dirty blanket. He looked down at you and said"you would be happier in a pale of mud than with a monster like me." He then straighten up and slowly walked away but he got stoped in his tracks when he heard that soft poor cry again.

So he walked back to you and you started clapping with your tiny hands, he looked in to your beatiful e/c eyes ...the god of michife had changed his mind, maybe you could change him to the better.

Pietro: Pietro just got out from the store when he heard a gunshoot that ecohoed against walls from an alley. He then started to run down the alley until he saw a women with a bullet in her head, Pietro looked around for the one who shoot but with no luck.                                                             When he looked back at the women he saw something he didn't reconise before, she held a bundle in her arms Pietro carefully took the bundle from her arms and got meet by two big e/c eyes that looked up at him.

"Hey speedy it's okay i'm gonna take care of you now"

You then started to giggle and he smiled down at you.

"Hmm...what are we gonna call you Pietro the second?, maybe not how about...y/n! yeah thats a great name!

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