13. Invatation

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Ball Date,  December 30th on Friday.. At 8 pm at night!

Klaus Pov:

I walked downstairs to hear my family talking.. "What's going on?" I asked, "Well the Cunard family are hosting a ball in Mystic Falls Virginia... for all supernatural. And we're wondering if we should go." A few years ago most supernaturals put down there petty differences and most of us are all friends.

"It might be fun.. I say we go." Rebekah suggests... everyone is reluctant to go but soon we all agreed. We haven't given up on finding Alora but life has to keep going even if she's gone. "Okay well.. I'll call some people over and we can all decide on what we're wearing to the ball!" Rebekah yelled.

Alora's Pov:

It's been 2 months since my beautiful baby was born.. and my birthday was 2 weeks before my baby was born.. so around 2 months and a half ago... and I'm now 21 with a beautiful baby and husband.  I still can't believe what my life has come to...

"Alora!"  I walked into the living room and saw Damon holding little Ali in his arms.. "Aww shes soo adorable...!" Damon smiled and kissed my cheek, "Baby there was a letter in the mail... it's an invite." I furrowed my brows and took Allisia from him, "What was it for..?" Damon pulled out the invitation and showed it to me.

"A ball?" He nodded, "Should we go?" I asked and he sat on the couch, "Well it is in Mystic Falls.. so most likely I would have to see my brother again." I sat down beside him and he put his arm around me, "We don't have to go Damon..." he looked into my eyes, "Let's go!" I was surprised.. "You really want to go?"  He nodded, "Yep.. as long as you do!" I smiled and kissed him.. "Well then.. when is the ball?" Damon looked at the invitation again and kissed my cheek.. "It's in a week and it starts at 8 pm... in Mystic Falls."

"Well then my love, I guess we are going to a ball...!" I muttered against his lips before taking Allisia into her room to sleep.  "We can go shopping tomorrow!" Damon yelled.. "Okay!" I yelled back before kissing my baby's head.. oh she is just going to love this!

—The Next Day—

I was holding Ali in a beautiful dress shop... I've been looking around for a while and can't find the perfect dress.  Damon already went and got his suit a few hours ago.  We already got a hothouse mini ball gown for Allisia.. and I wnat something that can match the both of them.

After 2 more hours I finally found the perfect dress... it didn't exactly match the colors of my baby or husbands outfit... but it was beautiful and I had to have it. I can't wait until the ball, I've never been to one and I can't wait.

—After A Week— In Mystic Falls

Wow I can't believe this! We are outside of the house that is hosting the ball.. I think it is the Cunard family, but I'm not sure. "Wow!" Damon smiled at me and I kissed his cheek, "It's beautiful!" "Is this your first ball?" Damon asked me and I nodded, "Yeah it is... I never thought it was this nice. And we haven't even enters." I laughed.

"Well your going to love it baby girl." I kissed Damon on the lips before turning around and looking at Allisia... she was asleep but soon she would wake up. "Are you ready?" Damon's asked and I nodded eagerly... "Well let's go in." Damon parked our car and we both got out.

I unstrapped Ali from her car seat and held her in my arms... "Well let's go in..." we both walked towards the entryway and saw a lot of people/supernaturals entering.

"You ready to see your brother again?" I asked and he looked at me, "I don't know..."

682 - Words

The Ball Outfits!
1. Allisia's Dress
2. Alora's Dress
3.Damon's Suit

Damon's Suit

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