Chapter 27 ~ I'm So Sorry

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Dedication: @got2bdmb2498 for your comment! It made me smile :)


Chapter 27 ~ I'm So Sorry

[Louis' POV]

Luke started moving his lips against mine, his hands gripping the side of my neck firmly. I gasped and put my hands on his chest, trying to push him off, but he wouldn't budge. Desperately, he tried to get me to kiss him back by swiping his tongue along my bottom lip, but I refused to, only focusing on pressing my lips as tightly as possible together so he couldn't slip his tongue inside my mouth.

After about fifteen seconds, he finally pulled away, probably disappointed that I hadn't given in to him, but seriously, I couldn't care any less. He opened his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it. "What. The. Fuck. Was. That?" I snapped, making him flinch. "You didn't have the right to fucking do that! Shit, Harry's going to be so mad. What am I going to tell him?" I started pulling at the roots of my hair frustratingly, pacing back and forth in front of Luke.

He placed his hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down, but I smacked them away, pointing a finger at him. "Don't you dare fucking touch me, you idiot! You've ruined everything!"

His face showed nothing but regret all of a sudden, but I didn't care if he was sorry for kissing me. All I cared about was the fact that Harry was going to be pissed at me for breaking my promise. Sure, I hadn't returned the kiss, but I had promised I wouldn't even let Luke touch me, which he now had, and I couldn't do anything to take it back. Fuck.

"Louis, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just so caught up in the moment that I couldn't help myself. By the way, what does Harry have to do with any of this?" He asked confusedly, making me clench my fists.

"He's my fucking boyfriend!" I snapped, slapping a hand over my mouth when I realized what I had just said. "Shit, please don't tell anyone. We are supposed to keep it a secret for a while, and he'll be even more pissed at me if he finds out I've told you about it."

He furrowed his eyebrows together. "Boyfriend? You never told me you were together with the one you fancied," he muttered, ignoring my previous words.

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. "Of course I didn't. We only got together yesterday. Plus, didn't I just tell you we wanted to keep it a secret? That clearly means not telling anyone, you know?"

Luke looked down at the ground, kicking a pebble with the tip of his shoe. "Well, I'm sorry. I never meant for this to be so complicated. I mean, as far as I knew you were single."

I let out a heavy sigh. "It's okay... Actually, no, it's not, but there's nothing we can do about it. What's done is done, and you sadly can't take it back. The worst part, however, is the fact that Harry was right all along. He knew you would try something with me, but I disagreed, telling him he should trust me, and that you wouldn't do anything." I shook my head, feeling tears pricking my eyes.

I was so mad at myself for not believing Harry. Why didn't I just decline Luke's offer to go out tonight just like he had told me to? It would have saved me from being kissed by Luke, and it also would have saved me from feeling as guilty as I did right now. I promised Harry I wouldn't hurt him again, and yet here I was, only two days later, doing just that.

"I can't handle this right now, I'm sorry. See you tomorrow or something," I said carelessly, turning around to run into my house, leaving Luke there dumbfounded.

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