Chapter 28 ~ Well, I'm Done Thinking

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Zayn's left guys :'(

Dedication: @larrywanks because I haven't explained how happy I am that she's reading this fanfic. Thank you, if you see this :) xx


Chapter 28 ~ Well, I'm Done Thinking

[Harry's POV]

The drive to school that day was incredibly awkward. Neither I nor Louis spoke a single word to each other. The only thing we did was look out the car windows. There was a lingering tension between us after everything that had taken place a few minutes ago, and to be honest, I didn't know what to think of it.

I tried to tell myself that I hadn't overreacted, but the more I thought about it, the more sure I was that I had done so. The thing was, I couldn't know for certain if he really hadn't cheated on me or not. Of course I wanted to trust him. I mean, I was in love with him for goodness sake. But we had only been together for two days after all, and Zayn's words were still lingering in my head;

"Are you really sure Louis loves you? I mean, you thought he hated you for as long as you can remember, so how can you be so sure he's not using you?"

It wasn't like I was doubting Louis' love for me, I was just worried. I didn't want to lose him. I had been waiting for him my entire life, so if I were to lose him after only two days just because this Luke guy hadn't been able to contain himself from kissing him, I wouldn't know what to do. What if Louis realized he liked him too, just like in that Twilight shit?

I hated to admit it, but I was a jealous jerk. If it weren't for the fact that I was so damn jealous, I probably would have taken Louis' confession a lot better than I did. It was just... I couldn't bear the thought of someone else's lips on his, especially not now when we were dating.

However, I shouldn't have taken my jealous-kind-of-anger out on Louis. I was just so... mad at Luke for crossing the line even though Louis had told him countless times that he wasn't interested. He had even told him it was because he liked someone else, so what was his fucking problem, honestly?

The silence between us didn't break throughout the entire ride. When we arrived at school, I opened my mouth to tell him something, anything that would make the silence between us disappear. Above all, I wanted to apologize for being such an untrusting idiot, but before I could do so, he was out of the car and had slammed the door shut behind him. Frustratingly, I hit my fists against the steering wheel. Why did I have to screw everything up? Now that I finally got him, I just had to push him away. Fuck.

Sighing deeply, I hopped out of the car and slammed my own door shut. It was with slow and heavy steps I made my way to the entrance and all the way to my locker. I didn't look up to meet anyone's gaze, so therefore, I didn't see anyone I recognized either, which I was happy about. I didn't want to see anyone right now. To be honest, I didn't even want to be in school, but I knew my mum would kill me if she found out I had been skipping classes, so I sadly pushed the thought aside and pulled my English books out of my locker instead.

Once I entered the classroom, I was met with blue, curious eyes that belonged to my teacher. He was sat in his chair, correcting our essays, I assumed. "Good morning, Mr. Styles," he greeted casually with a smile on his face.

"Morning," I mumbled, and that was all it took for his features to turn concerned. However, he didn't say anything and I figured that was because half of the class was already here, watching our conversation. Without saying anything else, I strode over to an empty seat, noticing that Louis was already sitting beside Martin, talking about something intense.

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