Chapter 18 ~ Louis Tomlinson And Harry Styles

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To all of you who think Ziam is going to be together; that is not gonna happen, so please don't get your hopes up.

Dedication: @jasmineeee__ for your comment. Thank you, love .xx


Chapter 18 ~ Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles

[Harry's POV]

I woke up on Monday morning, staring up at the ceiling just as I had done ever since I came home Friday night. I hadn't gotten out of bed except for the times when I needed to go down to eat. I hadn't talked to anyone, not even my mum although she had tried to speak to me several times. The only thing I had done was think, think about everything and nothing. I had practically drowned myself in my own thoughts.

The thing was, the only thing I had thought about was Louis and how I would never be good enough for him, no matter how much I tried. Sure, he had kissed me back, but he had also rejected me a second later, and that just ruined everything.

He had pretty much left me when I needed him to stay the most. When I for the first time thought he actually did like me, he had left as if what we had just done meant nothing to him. The kiss meant everything to me, more than any words could ever describe.

"Harry love, you have to get up. It's Monday and school starts in an hour," mum said, knocking on my door twice.

I didn't answer her, but gathered all of my willpower and heaved myself out of my bed. After taking a quick shower and dressing myself in some clothes, I walked down the stairs, leaning on the railings because I really didn't want to go to school. Couldn't I just stay home and lie in my bed for the rest of my life? That would be a hundred times better than this.

"Morning love, it's nice to see you again," mum smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. She was obviously concerned, seeing as she had no idea why I had locked myself up in my room for the entire weekend.

I sat down at the kitchen table and grabbed a piece of toast to spread some butter on it. "You too. Where's Gemma by the way?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

She walked over to sit down across from me, crossing her arms over her chest. "At Adam's. Dunno what happened, but she's spent every second of the weekend with him."

I could remember faintly how there had been quite the tension in the air between her and Zayn when he had asked Gemma if she had ever been in love with two people at the same time. I wondered if her spending so much time with Adam had something to do with it, but probably not. I was just too tired or whatever to even think about it clearly.

I merely nodded, taking a bite of the toast while pouring myself a glass of milk.

"I don't want to be annoying or nosy, but would you please tell me what happened that made you isolate yourself from me for two whole days?" She asked calmly, probably not wanting to upset me.

I let out a sigh, running a hand through my messy curls. "A lot happened, mum, and I really don't want to talk about it."

Her eyes widened slightly. "You didn't sleep with some girl without using protection, did you? Please tell me you're not that irresponsible," she practically pleaded, looking at me worriedly.

I chuckled humorlessly, shaking my head. "Of course I didn't, mum." Because I don't like girls like that, I only like Louis.

I wanted to say the last part as well, but of course I didn't. That would basically be an abomination.

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