Chapter 7- Rescue

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Taking a flight tomorrow from Alabama to NYC so now I have an excuse to type a quick chapter lol.


Aizawa stood in front of the class. "You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

The class collectively gasped, murmuring their guesses.

Shira's brows furrowed. 'Must be because of the break in.' She thought.

"Sir?!" Sero's hand shot up. "What kind of training is this?"

As if on cue, Aizawa whipped out a flash card to present to the class. "Rescue."

Shira immediately perked up in her seat, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Shoto and Kirishima.

'This could be my chance.' Shira thought, sucking in her lips in contemplation. 'I alwayd felt as if my quirk could do so much good rescuing people, I can finally test that theory.'

"This is what separates the men from the boys." Kirishima declared, balling up his fists. "I'm shakin' with excitement!"

"Finally I'll be able to show off how good I am in water, ribbit."

Shira peeked over Kirishima to look at her frog- like classmate. "I'd love to see you swim Asui."

"Please, call me Tsu."

Aizawa sighed. "Guys. I'm not finished yet." Once the class silenced, he continued. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you." He pressed a button that revealed their costumes from inside the wall. "I know you're excited about costumes, but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities."

Shira nodded, recalling how tight her costume was. While it didn't really affect her mobility much, it was quite a hassle to put on and take off...

"The special training is at an off campus facility, so we'll have to take a bus to get there." Aizawa concluded, walking off and dismissing the class.

After getting dressed, all of class 1A stood around the bus awaiting instruction as they rambled on about the field trip.

Ochako walked up to Midoriya. "Deku? Why are you wearing your gym clothes?"

Midoriya blushed, rubbing his neck. "Well, you saw it after the combat training, it was kind of trashed. I'm waiting on the support company to fix it up... Oh!" He gasped, turning towards Shira. She stood beside Shoto, the both of them quietly listening in on the conversation. "Todoroki!"

When both twins turned towards him, he faltered. "Oh, um... sorry. I meant Shira."

Shira smiled. "Yes, Midoriya?"

Midoriya suddenly bowed, his bouncy green curls covering his face. "I'm sorry about that explosion during the combat training. Iida told me what happened to you, I never meant for you to get hurt in the process!"

Shira's eyes widened at the apology before waving a dismissive hand. "Accidents happen, it's fine. Thankfully my suit has built in shock absorbtion so it took the pain, I took the force." Then she sweatdropped. "I was more disappointed in myself that I almost allowed myself to fall to my death more than anything. It's my own fault." She frowned.

"You did a good job catching yourself."

Shira glanced at her brother who was looking down back at her impassively. Smiling widely, she pinched him on his cheek. "Aww! Thanks Sho-chan!" She gushed, shocking classmates. Shoto simply allowed it, his face holding its usual lack of expression as if it wasn't even happening.

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