Chapter 1 - You Promised

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Boys piled up at the doors of the private school, hands filled with flowers and sweets for none other than her, while the girls hurriedly ran fingers through their hair, trying to do nothing less than impress him.

Oh yes, just another normal day of Kurosan Private Preschool for the 2 most admired students there- the Todoroki Siblings.

"Todoroki- chan, PLEASE TOUCH MY HAND!"

"Okay." The youngest sibling smiled sweetly, her finger barely even grazing the top the little boy's palm before he fainted, his friends catching him.

She giggled behind her hand, her long unruly hair cascaded down her back elegantly. Besides her, Shoto sighed, grabbing at her hand and tugging the youngest along.

"Why must you entertain them...?" He sighed, ignoring the looks the infatuated girls in the halls threw his way.

"Because, Sho-chan!" She giggled again, heterochromatic eyes closing in a smile. "They're so cute!" All the male listeners in the hall blushed deeply, all thinking the same thing.

'no....YOU'RE cute!!'

Shoto sighed again, running a small hand down his face before stopping at her class door. He peered inside, seeing the class was safe from his sister's ridiculous male suitors before releasing her hand.

She smiled and jumped on him, giving him a big bear hug that he passively responded to by patting her on the back. "Bye, Sho-chan!" She waved, before heading inside her all-female class.

Their mother, Rei, requested it after hearing the teacher's complaints on students not paying attention due to all the students admiring her from her spot, in the front of the class, due to her overall cuteness.

Todoroki Shira was a split image of her mother, aside from having her father's blue hue on her left eye, opposite of shoto's own. Her long, white hair flowed down her back to the back of her knees, most of the time being tied up in a tight bun due to Kurosan's strict dress code, although she never liked that one rule.

Her big eyes and round cheeks radiated innocence, making Shira near irresistible; and she knew it too.

Shira skipped up to her desk in the very front happily, but not before putting an apple on the teacher's desk.

"Why thank you, Todoroki-san!" The teacher gushed, holding her hand over her heart. Shira giggled, bouncing to to her seat, ready to learn. But as the day flew by, the vibrant child only had one thing in mind-

"SHO-CHAN!" She yelled once they both finally got home, unable to contain her compressed excitement anymore. "Sho-chan, Sho-chan, Sho-,"

"Yes, Shi-chan?" He asked as his twin followed him to their shared room. She ran past the two-toned boy, plopping onto her bed before giggling.

"Its our birthday tomorrow!" Shira giggled, kicking her feet excitedly.

"Yes, I kno-"

"And you know what that means right?! Right, Sho-chan?!" The younger twin cut him off- sitting on her knees to look at him as he sat on his bed.

"Yes, it mea-"

"IT MEANS WE GET OUR QUIRK!" The pearl haired girl screamed in excitement, causing Shoto to sigh exasperatedly.

"...I already know what you're gonna ask..."

"Pleaseee, Sho-chan!!" She begged, jumping off her bed and onto the floor by him, pressing her hands together. "Pretty, pretty please with peppermints on top..."

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