The Flight

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I am going to kill him.

After Candice went to go pack her things, Harry and I had another argument. Harry had quite a few excuses to back up his incredible plan.

He argued that if we're seen together leaving his house and the country, rumors about us dating will start. If Candice is with us, however, we'll just say that we're two of the boys' friends going on tour with them. He insisted that he has missed her so much. And you know that's a so smart thing to say to your girlfriend.

He also told me that he wanted his best friend and girlfriend to get along. Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen.

She's flirting with him, for crying out loud!

What does he expect me to do?

Wear matching clothes with her and bake friendship cakes together?

Not gonna happen. 

Needless to say, I was furious with him.

The trip to America was so we could spend some time together. I pointed out the fact that this was not helping the whole nothing is going on between him and Candice thing. I told him he was putting her above his own girlfriend. He didn't listen to me, he never does. 

So after we said our good-bye's and Harry took some pictures with fans, we left. 

And I had to sit in the back with Candice since she wanted to 'hang out' with me more and bond. 

And if it wasn't enough, the whole ride consisted of those two reminiscing old memories. You can imagine how thrilled I was to learn that Candice was always Harry's date in the school dances and how they shared their very first kiss together when they were fourteen. She even showed me a photograph of the scene.

One does not simply show a picture of them and a boy kissing to the boy's girlfriend. It's an unwritten rule. It should have been forbidden. 

My dear boyfriend didn't even acknowledge my presence. When Candice was around it was like I didn't exist. Bet you I could have been burning alive and he wouldn't even notice. That's how hang up he was on her.

We had finally gotten to the airport and Harry, being Harry got us first class seats.

Which also meant that two of us would sit right next to each other, then there would be the aisle, and the third persons' seat across the aisle. 

Logically, the boyfriend would sit with his girlfriend, right? But dear old Candy here, insisted that she sit in the window seat because she had never once gone on a plane before. 

This left a little dilemma. Either Harry sit next to her, or worse I do. Actually I didn't quite know which was worse. I mean yeah Harry insisted that there was nothing going on between them, and if I sat next to her I would have begged someone to stab me. So I did the mature thing and said that I honestly didn't have a preference. (Besides sitting next to my boyfriend, but that wasn't going to happen.)

In the end, Harry was the one to sit next to Candice. Technically, I was sitting next to Harry, if the stupid walkway wasn't between us. I took my seat next to an old man before realizing I forgot to turn off my phone. I noticed I had 4 texts when I took it out.

From: Nialler

Lena! Get ur lazy butt over here already!

I laughed at his impatience.

From: Eleanor

Heard you were leaving soon. Alli and I are excited! xx

From: Alli

Hey girly! Can't wait to see ya babes ;)

Alli was Liam's cuurent girlfriend.

From: Nialler

Have a safe flight. can't wait! Love ya

To: Nialler

Haha thanks blondie love you too :)

To: Eleanor

Yup see ya soon El ;)

For some reason, everyone calls us both El with the exception of Niall. 

To: Alli

Me too!!! see ya soon xx

I was still sending my last text while the lady finished explaining the emergency things. I quickly turned off my phone and looked over to Harry all happy thinking about finally going to America! My smile faded. He was lightly snoring and he had his arm around Candice while she had her head on his shoulder.


"Another one?" 

"Excuse me?" I looked over to the voice, coming from none other than Candice.

"Well it's just that judging by your wrappers, that's your 8th chocolate in the last 10 hours."

"I like chocolate." I said simply.

"Who doesn't? But a girl should know her limit. Especially you." What?


"Cause you've got old Harold to impress!" she pointed over to the bathrooms where Harry had gone. "I mean if you just lost a few kilos it wouldn't hurt."


Harry chose that moment too return from his trip to the loo.

"What you girls chatting about?"

"Oh just about diets and all." Candice said casually.

"You really could do with some diet tips from Candy," his eyes wander all over her body and my heart sank. He seriously just checked her out right in front of me. Oh the nerves of him.

My own boyfriend just called me fat. What more can a girl ask? My life was complete. 

I mean it's not like I'm fat. I'm just not model skinny like Candice. But apparently no matter what i was just not good enough was I?

He seemed completely oblivious to the fact that he had just boosted my insecurity issues. 


I had fallen asleep for most of the rest of the flight. But I survived didn't I? We managed to get out of the airport, with the help of security, and we found our way to a cab. 

It was 7 am local time and the driver said that due to morning traffic we wanted at least two hours to get to the hotel. God bless America's morning traffic. Thanks to it I had time to get enough sleep to keep me going until the night.

I let myself get comfy on Harry's shoulder and close my eyes. He put an arm around me and kissed my forehead.

I smiled.

But Harry wasn't the reason for that smile.

I smiled because I was, finally, in America. I had just fulfilled one of my biggest dreams.

Also I was only a few hours away from seeing my little leprechaun. 

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