Running Away From Problems

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Heyy guys. Agh sorry I had moved and there's no internet here and then my old phone broke which had some of this chapter typed up so I finally got motivated thanks to @vamplover12345 to just rewrite it and so sorry if it's not good but here it is. Plese remind me to update it helps because I forget and procrastinate thanks! I love you all(; <3

I hid discreetly behind the black Chevrolet, peering through the lightly tinted windows to see Charlie by the big, sky blue house. 

The house was cute. There was this small garden in the small space with a variety of flowers and fruits and vegetables. The owner obviously spent a lot of time on it. There was also a bench swing with vases surrounding it as if it wasn't used and just for show. 

Charlie crept slowly, crouching as he approached the doorbell. It was pretty dark so I don't see what he was so concerned about. 

As soon as he pressed the doorbell he jumped to the side of the house and hid behind the swing. It took a while before an old woman came out confused to find no one. I felt bad for her as she waited patiently and searched. She looked like she was just woken up and she looked so frail. She finally went back inside and Charlie came back towards us -us being me, my friend Haley, her new boyfriend Justin, and their other friend Anthony- laughing like an idiot. 

I don't know if you remember Haley but we were really close friends and she was with me when I first met one direction. We had however drifted apart and when I came back she had changed. She was now always with Justin and his friends and I accompanied her because she's still my friend and one of my only few. 

"That was great she was totally confused," Justin congratulated Charlie. 

We all started walking for a bit while they calmed down. 

I know I sound boring and all but I was just stressed. It had been two weeks since I had left. I found a babysitting job to keep me occupied and I would hang out with Haley. Anything really to stay out of the house. My mom kept criticizing me about how I couldn't keep a pop star and kept asking me to run errands. 

I have thought about my situation though. That was the point of leaving and getting space. I did ignore any text from any one back in the States on tour but that only lasted for the first three days until they let me be. I still watched YouTube videos of them and concert videos. I missed them a lot. I was trying to sort out my feelings with Harry and how Niall and Candice were involved but it's so mind-boggling it was taking me a while. 

"Alright it's your turn." Charlie addressed to me in the middle of my thoughts. 

"Wh-what?" I asked shocked. 

"You haven't done anything all night except tag along Elena. You have to do the next house." Charlie explained.

"It's fine really. You can do the next one. Or maybe Anthony." I suggested.

"Guys leave her alone." Haley spoke up as she walked with her hands entwined with Justin's. 

"Alright I’ll leave the poor baby alone." Charlie put his hands up in surrender. "Chicken." he muttered under his breath, but I heard it.

"Excuse you?" I questioned at his insult. "You know what? Fine!" I was sick of people thinking that I just ran away from my problems because I couldn't stand up to it. This had more to do with the fact that I left Harry, but that didn't matter right now. I marched up to a brick house that didn't really looked so occupied. I grinned at the shock on Charlie's face as I rang the doorbell and ran to the side of the house like him. It didn't take as long for someone to answer the door this time, a young male answering. He looked to be in his early 20's and h caught me easily.

"Can I help you?" He asked in a tone that made it clear he knew what was going on, yet he didn't seem angry.

"Uh- er no thank you." I gave him a quick smile and sprinted away. The others made an escape too. I heard Anthony yell 'I got that one on tape' as he pocketed his phone. I have to admit the adrenaline feeling was fun.

We went to the park and hung out for a bit on the swings. We talked about music which was really fun, and One Direction wasn't brought up once. 

Basically during these two weeks though (as thoughts came to me at the worst times possibles) I had sorted out that Niall most likely had feelings for me. I wasn't sure if they were just because we were such good friends and he was mistaking it for something else and he's only stepping up because lately Harry hasn't been the best boyfriend. I can understand that because Niall is my friend and he doesn't like seeing me treating that way, like a big brother would. 

Also, I was still in love with Harry. I missed him so much, and whenever I would watch videos of 1D or see pictures of them, he was the one that caught my attention. He's the one that I can't help but having a soft spot for in my heart. I just can't help but think that he's with Candice now that I left. It was clear that she wasn't afraid to step up and claim what she wanted, which in this case is Harry. But if Harry saw her the same way I thought I saw Niall I might not have anything to worry about.

And then I started to think about if Niall really did have feelings for me- no excuses-That would be a problem. I mean I see him as my best friend and that's it, but I could never hurt him and the more I thought about it the more I could see how much better he treats me. I just wished there was a clear choice to make this easier. 

I had no idea when I was going to return, or if i was ever planning on doing so. 

But I knew the next time I saw them I would have to have my answers. I wanted to be with Harry, but I also wanted to see where Niall and my relationship is. 

I could never decide between the two. 

With Harry I fee special, and before Candice I could feel his feelings strongly as well. We were great together and we have great memories. He's so charming and he gives me this rush that I'm addicted too. 

But with Niall I'm comfortable and safe. I'm happy and I can laugh. He's always been the shoulder for me to lean on.

When itt was almost 11 pm, we all decided to call it a night.

"Do you need a ride?" Haley offered as we walked to the cars. 

"Oh yeah. Please?" I smiled at her. She nodded.

"Okay. Bye babe." She kissed Justin and the boys went in the other car. The drive to my house was short and Haley didn’t ever bring up anything about the band. She wasn’t much interested in them, but since I was involved she questioned me when I came back. I explained little as possible and she left me alone, only bringing it up twice these past two weeks.


"Are you going to need a ride to babysitting tomorrow?" Haley asked me as I got out of her car. I needed the job for money since my mom wasn’t so willing to give me much besides for food and occasionally clothes.

"Nah it'll be fine. I can walk." I replied before I started walking to my flat. I used the stairs at night because I was scared of the lift at night. When I got to my floor, I was surprised to see someone sitting on the old, torn up welcome mat at my door.

I just stood there in shock. They had their elbows rested on their knees and their head hung down.

He looked up when he felt my presence and gave me a weak smile, brushing his messy hair with his hands like he always has a habit of doing. He stood up, keeping the distance between us and spoke,"Hey Lena."

 Soooo let me know what you think about Elena's new found judgments on the situation and what she should do? Who should she choose? And ahh do you know who it is? I think you guys know who it is waiting for her! Please give me feedback. love you all!

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