The Truth

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I was too much of a coward to look at Zayn.

He had just caught Chad and me in a misleading position.

I couldn't blame him since the position we were in could easily be judged. My hands were on his chest; his hands were on my waist. He was hovering over me. 

From the outside looking in, it didn't look innocent in the least bit.

I took in a shaky breath. "Zayn, I can explain," I started.

"Explain? Explain what Elena?" he spat out, "I've seen enough."

"But it's really not what you think it is. I slipped and he caught me. I swear," I begged. 

"Things like that don't just happen."

I looked at my feet. He was right. Earthquakes just happen. Tornadoes just happen. Falling in that position doesn't just happen. But it did. I swear. "Zayn," my voice cracked. And then the unexpected happened. 

He started laughing.

He literally burst out laughing.

What in the world?

"Oh my god," he managed to get out before starting laughing again. I think I saw tears streaming down his face. Did I miss something?

I looked over at Chad but he seemed to be just as confused as I was. We exchanged a glance full of wonder and surprise. I was expecting him to shout at me, to insult me, to get furious. I certainly did not expect him to laugh hysterically. Eventually he did calm down.

Chad cleared his throat, "What's so funny, dude?"

Zayn let out a small laugh before biting his lips, "You should have seen your faces," he said.


"You totally believed that I thought you were kissing, didn't you?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

"Well," I started.

"Ah ah don't deny it," He shook his finger at me, "You looked like you were about to get sick," he chuckled.

"So you didn't think I was cheating on Harry?" I titled my head on the side.

"Of course not," he shrugged like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "but I couldn't really pass up the chance to tease you."

Oh the nerve of him.

He approached as I glared at him, "You're unbelievable," I tutted, punching him on the arm. He didn't even flinch, as a small laugh escaped his lips.

Chad chuckled quietly from beside me.

"You hit like a girl," Zayn teased only to earn another glare from me.

"You scared me," I whined, "I thought you would freak out and make a fuss out of it and my heart stopped for a second," I rambled on.

"Relax El. I saw the whole thing. You tripped and he caught you. No big deal. Besides I'm not one to judge so easily," he confessed, "Though I have to say your face was priceless."

"Shut up," I mumbled.

He gave me a toothy smile; "Anyway," he said, "I think it's time to get going. Harry is probably freaking out." 

Right, Harry. I've forgotten that the reason I was here was to get napkins for him.

"Oh, alright. Just give me a minute." I turned towards Chad. "Thanks for the napkins and for eh catching me," I shoot his a lopsided smile.

"No problem. Just be careful because the next time you decide to fall over thin air, I might not be there to catch you," he winked.

"Don't worry, I'll be more cautious," I giggled.

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