A Clown Fiesta.

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"The animal part doesn't start until 1pm," You inform the blonde as you scroll through the circus's information on your phone, your free hand still holding his as he walks, in fact he hasn't let go since you left the café. "We could go on some rides until then."

Of course, you didn't need to ask him twice, his eyes already scanning the circus grounds and lingering on each attraction he sees before his gaze finally sets on you. 

"You pick." You speak before he even has the chance to do so, knowing that he was about to ask you what ride you'd like to try out and beating him to the punch, you don't like to be the one choosing these things.

He responds with a slight grumble but he doesn't argue much at least, instead just glancing around once again and tugging you playfully toward the first ride that piques his interest, which just so happens to be a small rollercoaster. "This one~!" 

Your eyes instantly taking in the clownish theme for said ride; the red and white striped rails, the creepy circus music and the animatronic clown stood outside the entrance that let's out a horrible laughter any time somebody passes it. 

Why did it have to be an animatronic?

Despite being mildly freaked out, you still follow your cheerful date as he guides you along to the ticket booth where a grumpy man with very long blonde hair sits playing cards, he exchanges the money Rosi gives him with two tickets, not even faking a smile whilst ominously murmuring; "Don't fall out." as you pass him to enter the tunnel leading into the cart station, the short sentence sending a shiver down your spine.

You actually like rollercoasters but clowns, especially the creepy animatronic one you're about to pass...that's a different story, immediately observing it's wide bloody smile and glowing yellow eyes. It would seem this thing was put here to purposefully creep people out.

Your body jolting as the object suddenly twitches and lets out a loud laugh beside you, even when you knew it was going to happen, it still made you jump.

Rosinante glancing over his shoulder at your small frame after feeling your little spasm and chuckling in response, but he still pulls you closer despite finding it amusing, protectively wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you both walk over to the rollercoaster carts. 

"Not a fan of clowns?"

"Mmh...nor animatronics." Although, you do feel a little more secure when being held by him, oddly. 

"Alright, you two," A new voice emerges as a certain raven comes into view and your cheeks rapidly heating up when you realize it's Ace - you hadn't considered the fact that he works here when you agreed to come. The freckled boy blinking at you for a moment as he pauses but thankfully, he soon continues as normal, effortlessly lifting the bar inside one of the carts and waiting for you both to get seated before pushing it down again, a devilish smirk spreading across his lips as he stares down at you. "Keep hands and feet inside at all times, no cameras, oh and if you feel yourself slipping out of the cart, hold onto the rail."

That's the second person who has indicated that you'll be falling from this ride now!

"Should I be worried about slipping out?"

"M'yeah, maybe definitely. Enjoy~!" He teasingly chimes before moving onto the next customer, leaving you mortified and Rosinante chuckling to himself, the blonde's arm softly tightening around your figure and as if by instinct, you nestle yourself deeper into his side for safety. 

"Don't worry, you won't fall." He calmly consoles, he smells like cigarette smoke and cologne but his jumper is so soft and warm, it feels so inviting that it's hard to pull yourself away from his embrace - though you still do so anyway since you don't like to appear vulnerable.

The Sweet Brother. {Rosinante x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now