Doctor Law.

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Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the sight; Ace laying on the couch with Sabo and Luffy stood each side, a towel soaked in blood beneath him and many medical supplies splayed on the coffee table, the freckled male seems to have a gaping hole in his side, one that has Sabo looking worried and Luffy looking...amazed?

Though Ace himself looks deadly pale, he has lost a lot of blood by the looks of it, Law clicking his tongue as he walks past you and crouches down beside the couch, beginning to clean the wound. 

What the fuck is going on here?!

"That's gonna make a great scar shishishishi~!" Luffy's playful comment drawing a strained chuckle from Ace's lips before the freckled male winces and silences himself, a frown clearly etching into Sabo's features as a sigh pushes past his lips. 

"I told you not to trust fireworks made by Eustass Kid!" 

Oh, that explains a lot.

Well, at least Law wasn't lying to you, Rosinante clearly isn't here and the cranky doctor does in fact seem to have company...and friends, shockingly. 

Your surprised stare still fixated on the brothers as you slowly approach, stopping beside Law and watching the boy work; his nimble fingers threading a needle before he begins to stitch the wound shut, you can vaguely see a distinct frown etched into his features as he tends to the injury. 

"Don't laugh while I'm trying to stitch you up!" The tattooed raven barks, only making Ace smirk in response but at least the younger male tries to cooperate, pinching his lips together and trying to avert his gaze from his brothers onto the ceiling instead. 

"Why didn't you guys get Marco to deal with this?" You curiously ask, the man may work as a vet but surely, he would know how to tend to such a wound on a human also. Your inquiry causing all three boys to appear slightly more guilty, each looking off to the side while pinching their lips together. 

"Because if he finds out we were messing around with homemade fireworks, he'll kill us." Ace being the only one to really answer you, his voice still slightly strained from the pain he's in however, surely it doesn't help that Law is currently disinfecting his fresh laceration.

"We?!" Sabo squeaks, the worry immediately leaving the boy's eyes and being replaced with irritation as he pouts. "I wasn't playing with them! You two were!!"

Which admittedly doesn't surprise you, you had already learnt from Bonney that Sabo's facial scar was caused at a young age by fire that went array, apparently he has been quite cautious of the element ever since.

Not that you blame him, it's beautiful to look at but you wouldn't want to be burnt by it, that's for sure.

Your eyes finally falling shut as a sigh escapes your throat, your focus turning back toward Law. "Do you know where Rosinante is at least?"

The raven doesn't immediately respond although you notice his brows furrow, his eyes never leaving the wound he's stitching, it's only when he ties off the thread he answers you, being sure to shoot a glare your way in the process. "He's working until 12 tonight. If he doesn't get a callout last minute, that is." 

Your eyes instinctively taking a small glance at the clock on top of the fireplace, a pout dominating your features as your eyes fall closed in complete deflation, looks like you'll be having to wait a while since it's only 10:55pm.

At least that gives me the chance to work out something to say to him...

The grumpy raven had since turned his attention back toward Ace, putting a gauge on the goon's side before wrapping a bandage around it, the irritation in his features never wavering as he pins the bandage in place before finally pulling away.

"Don't tear the stitches and preferably, don't play with fireworks in future." It's only while listening to him speak to the other boys, you realize just how mature he is in comparison, he might be as rude as a child but he at least still has his wits about him.

Your eyes following him as he finally rises to his feet, leaving Ace's brothers to help the freckled goofball back to his own, looks like the boy isn't all bad though - he didn't have to help these fools after all. 

"Thanks Tra-guy~!!"

"Yeah, thank you." Sabo harbouring a polite smile as he takes some money from his wallet, handing it over to the doctor, naturally Law rolls his eyes in what seems to be mild disdain but he still takes the cash regardless. 

"Just don't tell anyone I helped, I'm not supposed to tend to illegal injuries." He simply mumbles, watching patiently as the brothers leave before his eyes finally shoot down to you, a slight chill running up your spine as he frowns. He knows. "If you ever hurt my dog again, I'll remove your fingers." 

Oh? Or not?


It's not like I hurt him on purpose, I love animals!

" least you took him to the vet." The raven seems somewhat lenient toward you, much more so than he was when you first met him anyway, his focus turning back toward the seating area as he crouches down and begins packing the medical supplies away. "Cora-san said Doflamingo tried to scare you away."

Oh, so he does know.


"If you get hesitant based on the shit that man says then you have no business being in a relationship with anyone who's connected with him," Law's blunt remark stuns you somewhat, your nervous eyes shifting to the ground as you fidget uncomfortably, the boy isn't even looking at you and still somehow manages to shrink you down to size. "Doflamingo likes to ruin things for people but if you let him, then the joke is on you."

Is he trying to tell me to leave Rosinante or encourage our relationship? I can't tell with this boy.

"Um...okay, thank you...?"

I think?

"Mhm. I'm going to bed, please don't be too loud." The boy simply grumbles, tucking the first-aid kit under his arm as you raise a confused brow at him, watching as he makes his way to his bedroom while Bepo gets up from the floor and follows closely behind, the furball thankfully no longer limping.

Hm...don't be too loud? What a cheeky little shit!

You hadn't come here to get laid, you came to apologize.

Although, getting laid doesn't sound bad considering it's with Rosinante.

Or Cora-san, as Law calls him.

A soft sigh drifting from your lips as you drop yourself down on the sofa, being sure to push aside Ace's blood-soaked towel in the process, your tired eyes staring at the clock as you attempt to think of suitable ways to apologize to the blonde when he finally returns home. 

I am possibly the dumbest and meanest woman in existence...

I am so sorry, please forgive me otherwise I might die.

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