\\ Unexpected Meeting //

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Hello! Im the creator of this story! if you dont like this kind of stuff please leave for your own safety (^o^)/

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<Y/N Pov:

I woke up from bed and ate breakfast, "MOMM, is it summer break-!?!" I questioned out loud, "YES IT IS, NOW GET DOWN HERE!" My mom replied. I went downstairs and ate breakfast and left "Mom, Im gonna go outside, bye". I saw a nearby church and planned to explore it. I opened the doors and explored the church 'Woahh, this place is neat' I said to myself. I planned to explore more until I bumped into a boy, "Who the fuck are you and what the hell are you doing here-?" the boy asked. I replied "Hey, Im Y/N. I just wanted to explore the church". "Im Selever, but dont you see the church is  fucking CLOSED" Selever replied. "Oh I didnt know it was closed... Selever " I mumbled. "Well, Y/N. Since your already here, I guess I could show you around the church" Selever showed me all around the church and then it was time for me to go. "Y/N, it was nice meeting you. We should hang out again tomorrow, promise?" Selever said. I replied "Sure! promise".

A nun interrupted, "Sel, who is this friend of yours?" The nun questioned. I replied "Im Y/N, Nice to meet you ma'am!" The nun introduced herself. " Im Sarvente, You can call me Sarv. Im the mother of Selever" Sarv smiled in a nice way and I smiled back. A tall russian man walked toward me and said "Im Ruv, Dad of Selever." I replied "Its nice to meet your sir!" But Ruv replied "Just call me Ruv. You Dont need to be formal, Y/N". "Okay sir, I mean.. Ruv" Selever interrupted "Guys, Y/N should get going" I waved goodbye to them then Selever came up to me and said "We better meet again tomorrow like you promised, bitch" I just smiled and said "Yeah, I promise" Then i turned back and walked away. Selever was too frickin beautiful to be alive. When I first bumped into him. I kinda felt like melting, but not in a bad way..

<Selever's POV:

Y/N is a nice girl, she said we can hangout again tomorrow! and how she smiled, Its too damn cute- When I went to the kitchen. Ras questioned me "Sel, Is that your girlfriend??" I scolded her "SHE ISNT MY GIRLFRIEND RAS!" I also said "Her name is Y/N" Ras replied "Are you sure she isnt your girlfriend?" She smirked. That made me so mad that I wanted to push her down a cliff, or even worse!  When she said "Are you sure she isnt your girlfriend?" That made me blush so hard. When I went to bed all I could dream of is Y/N, We only met today, how is it even fucking possible-?

Does she have the same feelings for me too-? Is this what love feels like? I have so many questions..

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Thats it for Part 1!

Word count: 520 (including all of this, literally)

\\Tԋҽ Dҽɱσɳ'ʂ Lσʋҽɾ'ꜱᴇʟᴇᴠᴇʀ x ꜰᴇᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ !back on track! Where stories live. Discover now