Problems Part 2-Leah and Sam

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(Start the video and then read while its playing)

Leah's POV

We arrived at starbucks a few minutes after we left the theater. Kian parked the car and we all got out and started to walk towards the door to go in. Jay and Jc were the first ones in. Then it was Rylee and Sam and then Me and Kian. Kian was walking really slow and was on his phone. "Kian come on please" I said. "I dont like it when your sad please be happy" I continued sayi g while pulling his head up to look at me. " What is the point in being happy?" He asked. "Leah you need to realize that all the time she doesnt spend with me she spends with Sam." He said pointing at them.  Rylee had her arm around Sam's. Everyone was in line getting their drinks. I walked out almost bawling my eyes out. I ran in the car and sat in the back. I cried so hard my stomach hurt. I am not the crying type so you know I'm really hurt if I do. I heard Kian knock on the window and he said something. "What" I said.

"I said are y-" he said and stopped when he seen me crying. I was rolling down the window while he was talking. "Leah oh my goodness I'm so sorry" he said. " Are you ok?" He asked me. I shook my head and he immediately got in and sat next to me. He gave me a really passionate hug. I felt loved. I felt wanted and I felt safe. But why am I feeling this with Kian?  I'm in love with sam. I love Sam. I cant have any feelings for kian. He had Rylee. This is just a little problem I'm sure we'll fix it. I hope.

Kian's POV

I hugged Leah. And I felt something different from when I hug Rylee. I felt safe. Warm. Wanted. I felt loved. But I can't feel these things with her. She has Sam and I have Rylee. I love Rylee and we'll get through this one. I always have little arguments with Rylee but this feels different. Me and leah have been best friends for a long time and we have so much more in common than me and Rylee.  I can't hold her any longer its just not right. I let her go slowly and wiped her face. "Come on beautiful lets get some coffee." I said. She nodded and wiped her face again and we walked in. My arm was around her shoulder and her arm was around my waist. We sat down in the booth behind Jay and Jc and in front of Sam and Rylee. "What do you want I'll get it for you" I said. "Just a carmal mocha frappe" She said. "Okay" I said and went to get our drinks.

Leah's POV

"Wow" I thought to myself. Why do I feel like this? I mean I am Happy with sam but kian is......different. He really treats me like a princess. And I dont believe in fairytales or all that lovey dovey mess and I actually hate princesses but I dont hate being treated like one. And me and Kian have allot of things in common. We both love the same kind of music. I mean it's like our only difference is our gender and where our piercings are. He has a nose ring and I have a lip ring. "Hey umm babe me, Rylee, Jack, and Jenn are all going out tonight. Wanna come?" Sam turned around and asked me. " No. I dont feel good I'll just go to the house with Jay, Jc and Kian." I lied. I didnt want to be bothered with any more of this Rylee and Sam mess. "Ok" he simply said. All of my happiness just left my body. How can you just say ok. You arent concerned about about whats wrong even if it is a lie? I just ignored it a then looked at Kian. He was just getting the drinks and walking over to me with them. " Here you go beautiful" he said handing me my drink. My stomach got butterflies when he called me that. I told him about what happend and he said okay and he didnt want to go either. And we talked for about what seemed like forever and I liked it. He smiled and checked his phone. I turned around to look at Jc and Jay and they were talking too.  I turned around and looked at Rylee and Sam and they were laughing and smiling. It made me sick. Kian looked at me then at Rylee and Sam and told me its okay. And I nodded. I told Jc that I was ready to go. He said okay. It was his turn to drive so thats why I told him. We all got up and started walking towards the door. I walked out and everyone was already In the car except for Kian. When we got in Jc was driving was in the passenger seat and Sam and Rylee were in back and we had to sit in back too. I let kian get in first so he could sit next to Rylee (even though she ignored him) and I sat by the window. It was about 7:30 so we decided to go to the house and I mean the boys house not Jay's.

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