9. 7:24

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The rest of the break went by quickly, and before Louis knew it, it was the second week of January and he was on a train on the way back to his friends and Harry.

Louis collected all of his belongings, excited to get back to his suite and see his friends, the boys had FaceTimed nearly daily to check in with one another but it was nothing like being together in person. Louis held his bag of pretzels between his lips as he zippered up his bag, feeling his phone exploding with notifications in his pocket. 

Rolling his eyes he pulled it out and opened the group chat, that even though they constantly tried to change it, was always changed back to something to do with Niall being the 5th wheel. 

Spare Tire Niall 

Nialler: Tommo when are you due in? We're across the hall...Ashton's asking for you to bring Mario Kart when you get here

Curly: Can I come? It's been too long since I've destroyed Lou at Mario Kart.

Zaynie: Of course!

Li: Where are you anyway? You told us you got back hours ago...

Curly: Just have to do something real quick be there soon

Louis: Brag all you want about beating me Harold you still play as Toadette. Just pulled into the station be there soon xx

Louis excited the train, jumping as the brakes hissed and steamed, almost in relief. 

Louis could relate to that, he was relieved to be back, but not as relieved as he was to see a head of curly hair and two green eyes making their way towards him. 

"Curly! What are you doing here?" Louis screamed across the platform, running towards the staircase that brought him over the tracks. Taking the stairs two at a time he jumped off the final two and ran skidding to a stop and meeting Harry's offered high five. 

"I'm picking you up? What?" Harry stopped in his tracks as he watched a smile overtake Louis's face.

"Nothing, I'm just still grateful for you Haz," Louis smiled running ahead to Harry's car excited to get back to his friends. 

Harry thought that after Louis drunkenly asked to have sex it would be more awkward, but if anything it just reassured both boys that they were more than happy with how things were going. 

Sure, there were still moments that were so uncomfortable that the tension was nearly visible, like the time Louis announced on their group FaceTime that Harry slammed him into his headboard so hard he got a mild concussion. 

What he meant was that, on Christmas morning, in typical Harry, fashion he tripped colliding into Louis who then fell and whacked his head on the side of his headboard, resulting in a minor concussion. 

Niall still hadn't stopped making fun of them for both the poor phrasing and the accident.

But, neither one seemed on edge of what maybe could be anymore. 

Instead, they were finally happy with how things were, neither one of them wanting anything to change. 

The car ride back was done in silence, Harry stealing glances every once in a while taking the time to just sit and admire the boy next to him. 

Harry was excited to meet whoever Louis would end up with, he was carefree and fun but knew when to be serious and supportive, he just hoped they would be accepting of their platonic soulmate status. 

Harry thought back to one of the late-night discussions he had with Louis over break, Harry visiting Louis's family twice more after his birthday. Harry had confided in Louis that he was terrified Louis's eventual husband would be against his status as a platonic soulmate. Harry had gotten emotional at the thought of losing one of his favorite people in the world. Louis had spent the next hour reassuring Harry that if they weren't completely accepting of Harry being in his life then they weren't the person for Louis after all. 

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