Fierrochase Memes

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Fierrochase Meme #1

Magnus: Do I look straight?

Alex: I hope not

Halfborn: Not since Alex came along

Sam: Nope

TJ: No

Mallory: No 

Loki: No

Otis the goat: No

The guy from Chapter 63: No

Magnus: I mean my parking



Sam: Still a no.

Fierrochase Meme #2

Them: Who's your favorite girl character?

Me: Alex Fierro.

Them: Okay, who's your favorite guy character?

Me: Alex Fierro.

Them: But-

Me: Alex Fierro.

Fierrochase Meme #3

Magnus: Alex, I was wondering, what do I look like?

Alex: My next boyfriend.

Magnus: What?

Alex: . . .

Magnus: . . .

Alex: . . .I said you look like a nerd. 

Fierrochase Meme #4

Sam: This year, I lost my dear sister, Alex-

Alex: Quit telling everyone I'm dead!

Sam: You are dead

Fierrochase Meme #5

Sam: Alex, please keep an eye on Magnus today. He's gonna say something to the wrong person and get himself punched.

Alex: Sure, I'd love to see Magnus get punched. 

Sam: Try again.

Alex: I will stop Magnus from getting punched.

Sam: Correct.

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