The voice

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"I don't know you." I said, even though I could've sworn I recongnized the voice from somewhere. "Why are you doing this to me?" But I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the answer. He laughed hysterically into the phone sending shivers all through my body. His laugh sounded hollow and lifeless, just like his voice. "I'm your worst nightmare." He stopped talking for a couple minutes almost as if he wanted me to say something back to him. Eventually I couldn't handle it. I was about to say something when his voice came back to the phone. "Josh should've known that. But he couldn't protect you then or now." That was it. Bringing up Josh was just to much for me then. "Why did you kill him?" I asked quietly, trying to be cautious with my words. One wrong sentence could end my life. Once again he laughed, I thought it was sick how funny he thought it was. He said "you'll find out" as he hung up the phone.

Once again I was where I started. Alone and scared out of my mind. But I needed to find my parents and Clara. Every room I went in was the same. Torn apart furniture and broken things covered the floor everywhere. I was careful not to step on the glass and cut my foot. Right now would be the worst time to get hurt I decided. When I got to the bedrooms I chose not to follow the path of blood just yet. Instead I went to my parent's door. Only opening it enough to see in, I looked around to see if there was anyone inside. Thankfully it was completely empty and to my surprise untouched. They must've locked the door before all this happened, but if they did, why was it open now? Choosing not to think about that then, I stepped inside the room. I rushed over to their dresser. There were so many places in it it could be. I finally found it in a tiny compartment inside a larger one. The hidden weapon. I knew about it since I was a kid, mostly because I caught my mom putting it away one night when I was hiding in a corner. It was silver, a pale shine coming off it in the moonlight. It was clear to see it hadn't been used in a while, but cleaned often. But the thing about guns is they're hard to use when you've never within a foot of one your whole life.

I gripped onto it tightly as I went back into the hall. The cop shows made it look easy, so how hard could this be? Always keeping it pointed infront of me I went closer to Clara's room. The door was already opened, but inside was a scene straight from the horror books. Clara was there, on the bed. Blood was on every sheet and curtain in the room. Painfully I walked up to her. Seeing her tore me apart worse than I already was. Her throat was cut, and she had been stabbed more than once. Tears welled up in my eyes and streamed down my face. "No no no.. not Clara." I kept whispering to myself. I tried to believe it was all a dream, but I knew it wasn't. When I turned around there was a piece of paper on her desk. On the front it said Audrey. It hadn't been opened. I tore it open as quietly as  I could. It read,

Dear Audrey,

        I'm scared. I keep hearing noises in the other rooms of the house. I have a bad feeling about this. Mom keeps screaming, and I haven't heard dad since the last time he yelled to. I have a feeling my fate is looking about as good as theirs. When you get home, I'll probably be dead. I wanted to tell you I love you one last time, that you were my idol. And I know you'll survive whoever this is, your the strongest person I ever met. I know mom and dad would want to say goodbye to. We'll all miss you. But we'll see eachother again, don't worry. Just know I'm watching over you, that we all are. Bye sis.

        Your loving sister,


I closed the letter. I couldn't descirbe the pain I felt right then and there. First Josh, then my family. I felt like my heart shattered into pieces. How could I survive? I had to I knew though for Clara's sake. She'd want me to live, to be happy. So would everyone else who had died in this horrible event. Just as I was walking to my room, the phone started to ring again. I went over to it terrified. "Hello?" I said. It was the voice again, this time even colder than the first time around. "You still haven't left. Your mistake. Did you see your sister? Well either way your about to die with her." Before I could say anything the phone went dead silent. It seemed all I was hearing was agonizing silence. Not even a minute later, there was a deafening blast. Shards of glass came flying in my direction as I was forcefully thrown agasint the wall. The windows all blew out at once, as flames lit on the couch and curtains, swallowing everything it could in it's distuctive path.

I couldn't run. Blood ran down my right leg and streaked my face and hair. I could only limp through the fire. I was grateful to still be alive. Before I left the house, I had to go to my room. Grabbing a duffle bag from under my bed, I shoved everything essential  I would need. Clothes, brush, my phone, a map, and a couple of family photos. The last thing in the bag was Clara's letter. Throwing the bag strap over my shoulder I moved as fast as I could to the door. It was burning with the heat of the flames in the room. When I got down back to the street I took one last look at the house. At my life slowly turning to ash. Before I left I thought of all my memories one last time with my family there. Then taking one last glance at it, I turned and started to walk down the road to nowhere.


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