Nowhere to run

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The road seemed more lonely than it ever had. Pulling out my phone I saw that it was quarter past midnight. Nobody would be awake right now. I'm not sure I wanted anyone awake anyway. I wandered letting my feet take me where I wanted to go. My mind was off in some distant place beyond the pain of right now. When I came back to earth I looked around to see where I was. I was in an alley way again, and as I got closer I realized I was where Josh was lying dead. I sat down in front of him and looked at him one last time. I felt heartless staring at him, because I knew the soul of my exsistence was him. Without him I wasn't me. I'd never feel like myself again.

I stayed with Josh until dawn. Then I stood up when the sky started to turn light. I had to move out from where people could see me. Hugging Josh's lifeless body one more time, I started to walk away. But I knew I'd never truly be able to let him go. Barely breathing, I knew the only place I could go, and that's where I went.

Staying mostly to the back alley ways I found my way to the house I was looking for. You couldn't miss it because it stood out so much. The house was a light purple with a brown roof. Next to it were white houses with grey roofs. But Josh's parents were always stranger than the rest. I went up to the porch and opened the gate. I still could barely open it since they put it in last summer. My hand unsteady I knocked on the door weakly. My gaze fell down towards the ground as I heard footsteps approaching. The door opened with Mr.Clark staring at me. His smile dropped when he saw me, "Audrey, what happened to you? Where's Josh?" He asked. I could barely speak but I forced myself to look at him. I knew he saw what a mess I was but I didn't care. "Can I come in?" I asked him. He nodded his head and stepped sidways to let me in. My footsteps were heavy as I walked through the house, and saddness almost hung in the air around me it felt like. I shoved a chair forward and sat down in it when I got to the kitchen. Mr. and Mrs.Clark were staring at me when I looked up.

"Well...I'm so sorry.." I started to say. But before I could finish tears overwhelmed me and I had to put my head down on the table. After about 15 minutes of just crying I looked at them and finished the sentence quickly. "Josh is dead." I said as clearly as I could. They immediately broke down in tears to asking me how it had happened. I told them about the alley, and about what happened to my family, and about the voice that called me. They told me how sorry they were but what they said after that changed everything.

"Audrey, you can't stay here," his mom said, "it's to dangerous." I stood up and practically yelled at them for it. I felt bad about it after but at the moment it's exactly what I needed. "You can't do this to me!" I told them. But they just handed me a some money and showed me the door. Before they closed it on me forever they said "I wish we could help." But then I was so angry I didn't believe that. I wondered why I had even thought they would help me. I couldn't help but laugh to myself thinking how much a mess it was. Once again I was walking with no intention of actually getting anywhere.

The money would help I knew. I made it to the park by mid-day. I told people the marks were just some spilt juice and that I was a mess because I was homeless. I just prayed they believe that. The park had almost nowhere that wasn't packed with people. People from everywhere came to see it, and I had to admit it was beautiful. Trees lined the walkways and gardens with every color imagineable were by the large clear duck pond. It was the most peaceful place in town, it was actually the only peaceful place in town. But not even that could calm me down. Sitting down on the nearest bench I counted the money they gave me. Surpisingly, they gave me a thousand dollars. I guess they did care.

I grabbed my phone and looked up anywhere I could stay. I found a cheap motel I could stay at for a couple days until I could find someone to stay with. As I put it down, it lit up with a text from an unknown number. When I read it I almost collasped to the ground. The park is always peaceful isn't it, you can't escape me that easily Audrey- your worst nightmare. I couldn't help but think how he still used that name again. Suddenly I realized he didn't want to kill me yet- he wanted to torture me first. I decided to text him back Leave me alone- Audrey. As I was walking down the road to the motel my phone lit up again. I don't take orders from you, I own you- your worst nightmare. Now he owns me? This couldn't be happening.

I got to the motel a few hours later. Opening the double doors I knew questions would be asked, ones I couldn't answer just yet. The lady at the counter stepped back in surprise when she saw me. Before she could say anything, I put the money for the room on the counter. She handed me a key and said "Room 245 second story." I repiled with a quick "thanks" and rushed up the stairs. Laying back on the bed I looked at the ceiling and closed my eyes. I actually felt safe then. But I knew it was a false safety when a piercing scream came from the reception desk. He was there.

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