Chapter six

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Asami's Pov

While Korra was kissing me it felt right, but I had finance... I can't. I pushed her away.

Asami: * slaps Korra on the face* what do you think you are doing, you brute?! Mako's right. I thought you would be more mature about this, but if you can't move on from the past, then -

Korra: *interrupts* you disappear for three years and now that you are finally back you are already trying to get rid of me?

Random guard: Miss. Sato! Korra! What are you two doing out here in the rain? Are you two alright? Tonraq sent us over as back-up.

I walked away and the guards followed as Korra stayed behind


Tonraq: The mansion is secured, Mr.Sato. We are in the green. The authorities are going through the CCTV recordings of the restaurant as we speak.

Hiroshi: Enough is enough. Does that bastard take us for fools?

Tonraq: Mr. Sato, are you sure you don't have the slightest clue on who could be behind this?

Hiroshi: I have absolutely no idea, but I do have a bone to pick with you, Tonraq. I appreciate your daughter's valour, but having your team slip up twice is unacceptable. How can they let anyone close enough to Asami like that?1

Tonraq: I apologise.

Hiroshi: you shouldn't have returned

Yasashi: Dad!

Hiroshi: What do you have planned now, Tonraq? Where's the grand security plan I was told of?

Tonraq: I can have Korra-

Asami: anyone but her! I would like to request for a change in my security team. At least until I am married. Then Mako will make the appropriate arrangements for me.

Guard: Mr and elder miss. Sato? The hospital is on line

Hiroshi: Excuse us for a bit.

They both walked out the room leaving me and Tonraq.

Tonraq: Did Korra do something wrong? Did she let you down in any way I should know of? I know I am overstepping my boundaries here but the two of you used to be so close. When you chose to leave for Ba sing se without her, it left a greater impact on her than I had expected. You weren't around, but she chose to stick around, to wait for you. Now that you are back. I can't help but notice the tension and awkwardness between the both of you. Did something happen?

Asami: ....

Tonraq: I thought you guys were back to normal last night, but now I am confused.

Asami: Last night was a mistake, I forgot my place... Please just do I say *gets up* think about it this way- are you sure you are willing to risk your daughter's life? Times have changed. There is an actual shooter after me.

Tonraq: I know it is what SHE wants

Asami: * walks away*


Korra's Pov

I went to the gym to cool off. The gym was my quiet space. Mostly what I do is punch the punching bag to let off some steam, but this reminds me of when 7 years ago I used to do martial arts and Asami was always there watching me fight.

+flashback +

Asami: Oh my spirits are you ok?

Korra: yea im fine, that was nothing

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