Fight or Flight

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 As I scanned the last vehicle and created my battle form, I turned and saw a shadow blot out the sun. I transformed into an electric blue mecha suit, fully equipped with rotating Gatling cannons and Stinger missile launchers.

I fired off the missiles at the Mech when it was within range, before shouting a warning to our little gang. Then I took off in hot pursuit.

As I came close to the Chaos agent, I realised that he was different to the usual killer dude thingy, so I scanned him, before hearing his message.

In a dull, robotic tone, the messenger intoned, "congratulations on discovering your power, perhaps we can arrange a meeting, say, two days from now at these coordinates."

After giving me the coordinates, the messenger left, and I blew it up. (Because, you know, it looked cool)

As I regrouped with the team, I told them about the meeting.

"So, we are outcasts, we need food, I need better weapons and we all need to hone our talents, where can we go... Oh, and what are all of your talents?"

"I can shape-shift," said Jake.

"I have super strength," said Steven

"I'm telekinetic," said Mariah

And I am telepathic I heard in my head

"Okay, I say we spend today training and planning our next move." I said," do we all agree?"

"Sure, why not," everyone mumbled.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm not giving up without a fight, so, today, we train, we talk tactics and we practice. Tomorrow, we kick butt."

For the rest of that day, I flew around in my attack suit, scanning everything that I could see. As I made the formulations for my warrior suit, I smiled, I would be invincible.

Early that afternoon, I flew back to our base, and saw that through the training exercises, the junkyard had become a fully equipped fort. "Nice work," I said, "But how are we going to lure him here?"

"We send a messenger to tell him the rules have changed," said Mariah, "we give him the new coordinates, and he comes here instead."

"Good plan, did you come up with that together?"

"After hours of fighting with each other, yes."

"Okay, let's rest up and ready the defenses."

That night, a message was sent, to those who could read it, it said: The base is open to attack, approach these coordinates now. Later, a message would be sent with the coordinates of our base.

***Part 3***

I awoke to the sound of a low flying plane overhead.

Huh? What's happening?

Don't move, we're under attack, I'll wake the others and then we attack

Good plan, good plan.

Once everyone was awake, we went into battle mode, just as the chaos warrior made it to our fort, with an army.

"Wait," I called out to my friends, "there are too many of them, we should find somewhere secret to hide, somewhere that we cannot be found."

"Good plan," said Jake.

As we ran out the back entrance, I locked the door and welded it shut. Later that day, eyewitnesses would report seeing a dark blue plane flying overhead. There was no evidence of us being there at all. Except for one thing; a laptop with a map of the world and a line on it, heading right for a small island in the Pacific Ocean.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2011 ⏰

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