Chapter 33 - Sleepless In TCM

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Chapter 33

The gala was a disaster. A week later, I'm still reeling from being left in the middle of the Arts Center. After that night, I decide it's time to go back home. I gave my mother an excuse that my headaches are out of control. I need to leave before my asthma acts up, too (it's the humidity, I told her. I should move to Nevada, where the air is always dry). The truth is, I didn't want to be in Shanghai when news of Fang dumping me hits the gossip pages. The last thing I want is to spend all day overhearing whispers about how Fang suddenly declared his undying love for me, only to ghost me ten minutes later.

I meet with Dr. Su one last time a week after the party-apocalypse. My flight is next Wednesday, and I told my mom that I could even fit in a Kaplan class before school starts in September if I went home now. He ushers me into his office after I finish up with my last patient. I'm getting ready to head out for the weekend when he intercepts me on my way to the lockers. I have no choice but to follow him into his office.

"Are you going to miss the pan-fried dumplings here when you leave?" Dr. Su asks me as he looks over my notebook of patient treatment records from my clinical rotation. I expect him to ask me why I'm not staying to finish the course or scold me for dropping out of the acupuncture course he had worked so hard to put together.

Yet, he doesn't do any of these things. Dr. Su absently takes a sip of jú huā tea and flicks off a drop that falls onto my notebook with his thumb.

"I guess," I reply. "We have those in New York too."

"But they don't make them the way they do here. I missed those the most when I lived in New York. Just the thought of the crispy fried bottoms and the juicy pork that drips down your chin with every bite, yours can't compare."

"Okay," I agree with a roll of my eyes. I wasn't sure why my last meeting with the Chairman of Medicine has to do with my food bucket list, but I go along with it. "That's true. With every pork bun I pass, I'll nostalgically think back to you guys here at Shanghai East Medical Center."

"I take it you don't like pork buns," Dr. Su laughs and hands me back my notebook. "Tell me you took the time to explore this city, and you didn't spend all your time studying and working out in an air-conditioned gym like your two friends from back home."

"I guess we both know I had enough extracurricular activities during my time here. And truthfully, I wish I had spent more time indoors instead of romping about with strangers."

"I don't think Fang Yao and you were strangers, not at the end, were you?" Dr. Su seems to wink at me, and I want to throw up. I wish I could tell him how Fang abruptly dumped me at the Fosun Gala. He ducked out into a limousine parked outside an emergency exit. I sneaked out the same exit, and I had to catch a taxi to get home. 

It wasn't tough to wave down a driver considering I was wearing a priceless haute couture dress and several hundred thousand dollars worth of borrowed jewels. I had enough sense to drop off the dress and the diamonds at Teddie's atelier on Nanjing Lu before heading home. Otherwise, I would be in jail right now instead of Dr. Su's office. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone that Fang just got up and left. That includes Dr. Su. If Fang stepping out of his long-term relationship with Liyuan wasn't bad enough, he dumps me without a second glance in a public place.

I must have the luck of the WuFu that news of my downfall hasn't hit XiaoLiLi's radar yet. Fang managed to keep her from the news of his accident, so he must be somewhat seasoned at keeping his fans out of his business.

"Fang and I are over," I blurt out, trying not to sound like an over-dramatic heartbroken teenager. Unfortunately, a heartbroken teenager losing her first real love was exactly what I was. Dr. Su saw it as clear as night and day. Dr.

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