Chapter 39 - Home Is Where The Tart Is

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Chapter 39

"Who is this hottie?" Lauren asks while glancing upward at the sky. I am so shocked at seeing Fang again that I don't realize it's starting to rain.

"I-I don't think I can go to Bloomingdale's today," I apologize to Lauren without taking my eyes off Fang. He's also telling his friends, an entourage of artsy-looking middle-aged men wearing black blazers, that he needs to go. They point in the direction of the Skirball Center and walk away.

"I can go with you," Fang interjects and waves his friends away. I see the two of them glance back as though they're not sure if Fang is serious. "Where are we going?"

"We're going to Bloomingdale's on 59th street," Lauren interrupts before I'm able to change our plans to 5th avenue or someplace where Fang Yao might feel more at home.

"Lead the way."

"The 4 train is this way."

"You're taking the subway?" Fang asks in shock. Before I can die of embarrassment, he's already called his personal driver.

"Is this an Uber?" Lauren squeals in excitement when the car promptly appears around the corner. I know it's not because I recognize the driver. He waves at me and greets us with a hello. Lauren is star-struck as we get into the back of the car. She wants to know if Fang is a trust fund baby or a JP Morgan banker. The driver lowers the divider between the front seat and the back to verify that Lauren was coming. Before Fang even nods his head, Lauren jumps into the front seat and dumps her giant Manhattan Portage backpack over the armrest, effectively blocking us from sight.

"How did you end up in New York?" I ask as the car speeds away from Finn's Bubble Tea. Fang settles back and gestures to the Washington Square Arch, which is towering above us.

"I've always wanted to see New York."

"So you're here on vacation?"

"No, not exactly," Fang replies, and then his lip jerks up in the smallest of all smiles. He hides it quickly as though the emotion is so foreign to him that he's embarrassed by it. "I'm attending college here."

"You're what?"

"I'm auditing some graduate classes at Tisch and meeting with some American producers. I've decided to let go of acting and singing. Maybe, you and that annoying Dr. Su were right. My life didn't end with that accident. I'm looking into directing a movie with some old friends. Maybe it will be ready for the next Cannes Film Festival."

"Oh! That's perfect!" I exclaim a bit too loudly. I cover my mouth before Lauren could grow suspicious about what we're talking about back here. "I'm so happy for you."

"Do you know what's perfect? Bumping into you again. Maybe yuanfen connects us yet," Fang laughs. "I looked for you everywhere. Your number doesn't work, and the hospital said you left without a trace."

"Yeah, about that," I bite my lip and wonder how much he knows about his brother and Rushi. "I'm sorry about what I said about your brother. It turns out I jumped to conclusions."

"Oh, you mean about my sister-in-law trying to poison my brother?" Fang asks and sighs. He's staring into the distance now like he's thinking deeply about the events of the past couple of months.

"Did Dr. Su ever find proof?"

"He didn't need to. She was arrested not long after you left. For running a counterfeit purse operation off her Taobao account. I'm sure they'll uncover more about her double life soon, but to answer your question — no, they never found any proof that she switched the medicine in that pill bottle."

"But you believe me?" I repeat as I'm unable to believe my ears that Fang is talking as though he believes my version of the story.

"I believe you," Fang whispers and places his hand on mine. Before I'm able to withdraw in pure, abject, mind-exploding shock, Fang's hand wrap around me. His fingers are intertwined with mine now. I can't take my hand back now, even if I tried. I don't try. I look at him and wonder if he's serious — did he really come back to finish pretending to be my pretend boyfriend.

"You want to g-give this another try?"

"I meant it when I told you that you wouldn't be able to get rid of me," Fang laughs at the memory of us at the gala during our precious last moments together. "You're just going to have to get used to having me around."

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