Chapter 34 - A Second Chance

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Chapter 34

I don't tell Calvin and Andrew that I've been exempt from the final exam. Now that I am leaving, they are both sad to see me go. They go as far as to take a study break, inviting me out for braised pork belly before I fly out of here. I say fine, but Tuesday afternoon will be the only time I can meet up with them. I'm so busy packing and saying goodbye to the rest of my extended family.

On Tuesday afternoon, as I finish packing, I realize there is one final thing that I completely forgot about. I still have Fang's bag of personal belonging from the hospital. After checking inside the bag, I realized that there is, indeed, a Cartier watch in the pocket of the mangled pants. I can't take this home to New York with me as a souvenir. Not only would that would be stealing, I'm sure a watch of this caliber is probably registered to its original owner. I'll be arrested at the airport like some international art thief. Upon further consideration, I decide that it is also a bit too generous a tip to leave for my uncle's cleaning woman to find in the trash can.

I have no choice but to bring it back to Fang's apartment in that massive luxury complex with the spiral top, which vaguely reminds me of a screwdriver. People online have compared it to Gensler's Tower in terms of architectural beauty. I still think my favorite skyscraper here is the Shanghai World Financial Tower that looks like a bottle cap opener.

I pray that I can leave it with his doorman without having security called on me like any other shabbily dressed teenage girl who comes creeping by asking for Fang Yao. I text Andrew and Calvin to meet me a block from Fang's apartment. We can grab a quick snack, maybe a bubble tea, before I head home.

As I scramble past the intimidating sliding glass doors into Fang's immaculate lobby, I'm relieved to see a familiar face. It's Fang's sister-in-law, Rushi. She is letting her pug drink from the ceiling-high waterfall behind the front desk. The staff of the apartment complex is terrified of her. The door man is an exception, as he is smiles and compliments her dog. They bring her a plate of dog treats and sets it down by her feet. She accidentally kicks it over with her Sophia Webster heels.

"Ru—I mean—Mrs. Lan!" I exclaim as I struggle to remember her last name. I'm just glad that I didn't make the mistake of calling her by her husband's last name of Yao. Chinese women don't take their husband's last names, not even when the husband is the brother of the most famous man on this side of the planet. For a second, she turns, and alarm colors her features. I guess in my jeans and GAP t-shirt with a hole on my sleeve, she took me for a crazed fan. But, then as I came closer, I saw her wave back in recognition.

I wish I had worn the Dior sneakers Fang got me. At least I wouldn't have to stand next to her in my Old Navy flip-flops.

"Oh, it's you, Sara," Mrs. Lan replies with a generous smile. Although I estimated her age to be late twenties, I noticed that she has many laugh lines around her eyes. She seems like a warm and loving woman. I wish we had more time together. "I was just thinking, when is Fang going to bring that darling girlfriend of his around to dinner again?"

I let Mrs. Lan air-kiss me on the cheek even though it leaves me perplexed if I should return the gesture. If I never kissed a boy before coming to Shanghai, I surely have never been in a situation where I've had to air-kiss anyone to keep from leaving lipsticks marks on their face. As I struggle to return the gesture awkwardly, I think to myself — the joke is on Mrs. Lan; I don't even wear lipstick.

"Are you here to see Fang today?" Mrs. Lan asks with a knowing nod which threatened to turn into a bow of her head. I hope her excessive congeniality and politeness isn't going to turn into us bowing at each other indefinitely.

"No, I'm not seeing Fang anymore," I blurt out and immediately hold out the plastic bag full of Fang's hospital clothes out at arm's length. "I'm here to bring Fang his things. Can you give these to him?"

"Oh darling mèi mei," Mrs. Lan teases with a derisive chuckle. "You'll have to give those to him yourself. He's not speaking to his brother or myself, either. He's even had our keycards to his apartment deactivated. Don't be too hard on him. My brother-in-law has always been the moody type. I'm sure the two of you will be dating again by the weekend. It's been a long time since he's shown an interest in anyone as he has in you. Even Liyuan never got to meet his parents."

"I'm going back home this Wednesday. My flight is booked. I won't be here anymore this weekend. I've already deactivated this temporary cell phone my family got me. So, the break-up is final. Will you please take Fang's things? If not, then at least take this watch. I-I don't want him to think I kept it." I am exaggerating to get my point across. My phone isn't deactivated, but I hope by telling her it is, she will understand that I have no other way of reaching Fang to give him his priceless watch.

"Come here; I have an idea," Mrs. Lan says and waves me toward an empty elevator. She leaves Xiao Ling with the doorman. I suspect this is the doorman who spoils the pup with pig ears. "Let's go up to his room and see what is up with that shǎ guā. Maybe if we confront him together, he'll open the door."

I open my mouth to say no, but Mrs. Lan is already inside the elevator. She's furiously pushing buttons to the keep elevator doors and waving me over. Even her pug seems to be glaring at me from the couch beside the doorman's desk, as though it can't believe that I'm disobeying a direct order. I sigh and lower the bag to my side.

How am I supposed to confront Fang about breaking up with, when I'm standing next to the woman whose husband I tried to incriminate? 

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