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LATER that night, Aaron found himself sitting at the computer in his room, simply staring at it. He'd joined a website called InterSpace, where friends were able to chat with each other in different rooms. He simply stared at the screen, waiting for one of his friends to pop online.

KEGSTANDCHAMP, otherwise known as George was offline. Aaron's other close friend, Michael, better known as Ford (it was a weird obsession he had in middle school, and it just stuck) wasn't online either. So there Aaron sat, staring at KEGSTANDCHAMP and MICHAELFORD123 who both had a status of 'offline'.

In the little notification box in the corner, a red dot popped up. Aaron squinted his eyes and furrowed his brows, dragging his computer mouse and clicking on the notification. 'AARONPEM, AUGUSTWINTERS101 has sent you a friend request.'

Aaron clicked on his profile, admiring his beautiful smile displayed in his profile picture. It was a photo of August at the beach holding a half eaten ice cream cone, with the green color dripping down his hand as he laughed. The veins in his hand flexed as the sandy colored hair that fell into his face also matched the beach perfectly.

His bio read, 'It's August, not Augustus.'

Aaron laughed to himself for a moment as he clicked accept request, then waited a moment. A few seconds later, a green dot popped up next to August's name. He was online.

Aaron leaned forward in his chair so that his face remained only a few inches away from the computer screen. He waited a moment, and boom. There it was. Another notification, this time from August himself, inviting Aaron to join his chat room.

Quickly, Aaron accepted and was brought to a screen that displayed both of their names and profile pictures, then a chat box on the side panel. With a deep inhale, Aaron typed out a quick and simple 'hi'.

Almost immediately August responded. 'Hey, how's it going?' Aaron liked how he capitalized and punctuated his words. It was going alright, he guessed. He still felt awful about earlier at school. He told August exactly that.

August brushed it off quickly. 'It's okay, really. I understand Eleanor is important :)' Was she though? Aaron didn't know what to respond with. Maybe a simple 'yeah, thank you for understanding' would suffice.

'So, about Humidities of Sham..' August typed out again quickly. Yeah, about them. They never finished their conversation.

AUGUSTWINTERS101 - After hours of extensive and attentive listening, I've come to the conclusion that Against Maple is my favorite song.

AARONPEM - no fucking way, that's my second favorite song. cynthia without measure still remains superior

AUGUSTWINTERS101 - It's a top five for me as well

AARONPEM - a top five is perfect

AUGUSTWINTERS101 - I did some research on them, as well, and I noticed the thing about the festivals which you probably already know all about. The thing I was wondering was why are they so obsessed with Spain? Like, what's the connection there?

Aaron thought to himself. He had no idea. He'd always wondered that, however.

AARONPEM - i've always wondered that. to be honest i have no idea. i'd love to ask them, though. especially tex. he seems like quite the character haha

AUGUSTWINTERS101 - Oh man, that would be a dream

AARONPEM - the thing is, i have absolutely no connection to spain and no way to get there

AUGUSTWINTERS101 - Me neither, I mean, it's a whole other continent we're talking about.

AARONPEM - maybe one day. it's definitely got the number one spot on my bucket list

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