Visit Thirteen

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Time in: 10:00 am January 17th, 2015

Shuhua wished that she had not tried to become friends with Soojin, or anything really. Maybe they should have stayed rivals, or whatever. Because of course Shuhua was going to end up liking the hottest person on probably like, the planet, if they became friends. It was inevitable.

Worse than liking Soojin was Minnie's reaction to Shuhua liking Soojin. Not that Shuhua meant for her to ever find out in a billion years. It just kind of happened because Shuhua had left her laptop open with the google search: can I date my doctor.

Minnie hadn't had a hard time putting two and two together. And with Minnie knowing there was a new pressure on her, this feeling that she had to do something. Minnie wouldn't say anything explicitly, but she had this way of hinting at things constantly. This look she could give at any time.

But Shuhua couldn't actually say anything to Soojin. Her doctor. She barely knew Soojin after all so the whole thing was just, ugh. Shuhua groaned, tapping her foot against the floor of the office.

Why. Why why why why whhhhhhyyyyy WHY -


Shuhua snapped her head up to look up stupid Soojin with her stupid, great face. Shuhua should say something witty, sassy even. Shuhua realized she was smiling. There went that plan. "Hi."

Soojin glanced down at her own shoes, then backed up. She had the chart in her hand, but something else as well. Shuhua arched up so she could see a little better but then Soojin jerked away. What the hell?

"How was your christmas?" she asked, her voice a little flimsy, shakey.

Shuhua stood up, wondering what Soojin was now hiding behind her back. "Uh...good." She went to see the family while Minnie and Miyeon took a weekend trip to a bed and breakfast like annoying couples tend to do. "What about--"

Before Shuhua could finish Soojin shoved something into her hands, a CD. A CD in a clear, thin cover. Shuhua looked at it. "Is this a mixed CD?" she asked, touched and a little light headed, but also curious as to whether they were in the 90's or not.

"It's just something I recorded. Piano tracks. I play every day and you gave me that CD of yours once, so I thought it would help for you to know at least a few classics, and--"

Shuhua hugged Soojin before she could say anything else, her arms wrapped around tight, hands clasped in the middle of Soojin's back. She didn't mean to do that, didn't mean to get this close. Her heart was pounding, the kind of pounding she got before live shows, that nervous thump that made the blood rush to Shuhua's head.

Soojin stayed stiff at first before dropping her shoulders and awkwardly hugging back with only one arm. She rested her chin against Shuhua's shoulder, and fell into her shorter frame.

And for a moment Shuhua thought she could have stayed there forever. With Soojin who smelt like disinfectant but was also so warm, and kinder than she let on. The feeling of never wanting to let go was what made Shuhua drop her hold and take a step back, though. Because in reality, it couldn't happen. She had a tour in a little over a month, Soojin was her doctor - and it just couldn't happen. Couldn't happen.

"Thank you," Shuhua said, "I didn't even know you played." The thought of Soojin's fingers drifting lightly over keys was soothing, a warm image.

Soojin nodded. "Merry Christmas, again."

"Happy new year," Shuhua said back. They were still just a little too close, Shuhua could feel Soojin's breath, body heat. This was not good. Also, was Soojin leaning in? Shuhua thought she was leaning in. She was totally leaning in.

Shuhua looked at her lips, mostly because she was shorter. Not expecting anything even though Soojin was definitely leaning in. Or maybe Shuhua was leaning in, or maybe they were both leaning in. It didn't matter because suddenly the only thing Shuhua wanted was Soojin's light-shaded lip gloss blended in with hers.

And then, Soojin didn't move back so much as she fucking jumped back as if compelled by a higher power. Soojin cleared her throat, wiped her hands on her pants. "Table?" she asked.

Shuhua looked at the examination table and then back at Soojin. Her head was spinning, but she could always blame that on the anemia. It was the anemia's fault she was in the position in the first place, and that she liked Soojin so much, and that Soojin was so hot, and that all of the blood was rushing to the surface of her skin, and that - in general - she was fucked.

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