Visit Fifteen

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Reason: Check up, blood work

Symptoms: None

Time in: 12:00 pm February 20th, 2015

Shuhua had spent an hour getting ready. For a doctor's appointment.

And in that hour she realized that when she got back she really needed to get her own place because living with Minnie and Miyeon wasn't working. Sure, she didn't like to be alone but the constant call of Shushu, followed by a smirk as Shuhua frantically tried to figure out what she was going to wear, was annoying as hell.

She wanted to look nice is all. She could look nice without it meaning anything big. (But, okay, she also wanted Soojin to think she looked nice and maybe kiss her in some grand, sweeping gesture like they did in the movies).

Shuhua wore a dress. Nothing fancy, just something you'd wear out to lunch - a simple, light blue dress. But it was pretty cold outside so she had to wear a cardigan over it. Her legs were still freezing. One day Shuhua would ask why the hell it was always so cold in the office.

Maybe Soojin liked it cold. Was her apartment chilly, too? Did she sleep with lots of blankets and wiggle in her sleep with her feet only partially covered? (Or maybe the temperature had nothing to do with Soojin despite her name being on the practice).

Shuhua sighed to herself, placing her head into her hands. She didn't know why she couldn't get Soojin out of her head. It was like a sickness that made her heart do the loud thump thump thump thing, and unlike her anemia, there wasn't any medicine that could fix it.

In hindsight, Shuhua really should have been warned about Soojin prior to selecting her main practitioner. Like, Yes you might feel better, but side effects include not being able to stop thinking about your incredibly hot doctor - sorry about that.

Shuhua looked down at the silver watch on her wrist, realizing Soojin would be in any second now. She combed through her hair with her hands, brushed her bangs to the side so that they would look messy, but in a calculated way. Her hair was down today - she didn't know if Soojin liked it down or not, but it always made her look more mature.

She wanted to look mature with Soojin. Soojin who was a Harvard graduated doctor and liked sophisticated things like dead guy piano music. Oh, and the piano stuff. Shuhua had her driver play it on repeat. She'd never really been overly interested in instrumental music, orchestrated things and the like. But the way Soojin played was so beautiful. Like she wanted to be playing - you could tell she enjoyed it with each note. Sometimes Shuhua would hear humming along with the piano, it was always faint. She had to pay close attention

Shuhua wondered what it was like to watch her play, if maybe she closed her eyes and rocked against the melody.

She dropped her hands at the sound of the door opening, the subtle click of Soojin's feet against the white, speckled flooring.

Shuhua looked up slowly so that her eyes could catch black shoes, pale ankles, the white lab coat and blue oxford shirt peeking up underneath it. "Hi," she said, a little breathless. She could hear her heart thudding, feel it in her ears.

"Hi." Soojin stayed still, looking into Shuhua's eyes. So much space in between them, like a barrier neither could cross, a broken bridge that led to Soojin.

"Let's get started," Soojin said at the end of a long breath.

Shuhua stood up, hopped onto the exam table. She straightened out her dress so it wouldn't scrunch up above her knees. Her hands were already sweaty. Great.

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