Visit Twenty-four

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Reason: Check up, B12 shot

Symptoms: leg fracture

Time in: 3:00 pm April 1st, 2016

Soojin had been happy. It wasn't a word she'd used to describe her life much; not that she'd been discontent, but happy was something reserved for holidays, achievements, maybe milestones. But now it was just a state of being.


Happy and confused and nervous and so unsure for the first time in her life. Like she was plotting to jump off a cliff that may or may not have water.

The past two weeks she'd been thinking so much. This obstacle that she made up, this reason why being with Shuhua was a bad idea - or not even a bad idea, just new. Different. Soojin had never been the sort of person to just jump into things, everything she'd done since middle school had been well thought out ahead of time.

With Shuhua you couldn't do that because Shuhua wasn't patient, and Shuhua could be so completely bare and honest with her feelings. As if it was something she couldn't control, like it was just natural. Soojin found it admirable, but mostly it just scared the hell out of her.

So she'd been thinking about what to do, wondering if she could bide time - and then Shuhua had pressed her body so very very close, and Soojin realized how badly she wanted to be kissed. And that particular thought never actually left her mind.

That's when it became clear for Soojin. Well, clear in the way that nothing with Shuhua would really ever be clear, at least not right away.

Shuhua walked in, her crutches carrying the majority of her weight. Soojin thought that within the next few weeks the cast could come off. Shuhua was already moving pretty fast, and the general fatigue seemed to be dying down.

Soojin hoped her blood work would come back with some improvement soon; though judging from the last time she checked it, she'd have to wait a little bit longer to see actual results.

Shuhua huffed, plopping herself down on the exam table. "Listen. Sorry about all that stuff last week," she started, only to be cut off by Soojin softly calling her name.

"Please, just let me get this over with, okay," she said anyway, ignoring the interruption. "I probably shouldn't have done that, or kissed you. I--"

"Shuhua," Soojin said, this time a little louder.

"Let me talk!" she slapped her hands against the table in a toddler-like fashion, making Soojin roll her eyes. "I know it was inappropriate--"

Soojin sighed, walked up to Shuhua and purposely dropped her chart on the table next to Shuhua's hand. And then, with only slight hesitation, she grabbed Shuhua's face with both of her hands and kissed her. Nothing long, though the feeling of Shuhua gasping against her, warm, damp breath brushing over Soojin's lips, made her almost forget her main point in kissing Shuhua.

"I know you're not used to being told to shut up. But shut up," Soojin said, pulling away. She let her hands slowly slide down to hold Shuhua's jaw, wondering if maybe this was too much because Shuhua looked like she'd seen a ghost. "First: you're going to need to find a new doctor."

"You see!" Shuhua exclaimed, "you kiss me and then you--" Soojin kissed her again, this time a little longer.

A lot longer.

Shuhua brought her hand up to twine with her hair, already pushing her body forward. Soojin could feel both of their heart beats, both charged with the same quick thump thump thump. And that word came back into her head, happy. Her pulse rushed, her blood raised to the surface of her skin, her head went whoosh .

It was all just, right.

The way Shuhua's mouth molded against her own; the way pink, sticky gloss that wasn't Soojin's mixed with her chapstick. The heat of her breath caressing Soojin's tongue and cheek.

Soojin moved forward, nestling in between Shuhua's legs so that she could be pressed flush against her. And Shuhua's hands went from her hair to shoulders to lower back to butt, causing Soojin to give a small squeak in surprise.

Shuhua ran her tongue against Soojin's lower lip before curling it around Soojin's. And suddenly it was too hot, the room, Soojin's body, Shuhua's...

She craned her neck forward, kissed Shuhua's bottom lip, top lip, the tip of her tongue, and the corner of her mouth. And Soojin couldn't believe that she felt she actually had to think about this.

She wanted Shuhua and Shuhua wanted her and Soojin was happy.

Shuhua breathed in and pushed Soojin away. Her lips now turned into a scowl, opposite of the dopey grin Soojin felt blooming across her face. "See! You just kiss me like that, and nearly jump me on the table right after telling me you're dropping me as a patient."

She wanted pushy, annoying, adorable, amazing Shuhua.

Soojin kissed the corner of her mouth, and almost laughed at the breathy sigh Shuhua gave.

"Doctors aren't allowed to date their patients."

Shuhua's mouth dropped open, her throat bobbing as she swallowed. "You want to" The last part came out as a barely audible squeak.

Her heart still drummed, her hands were still sweaty and Soojin was sure her face was completely red; in short, she was a mess. Soojin cleared her throat, nodded. "I mean, I just - not if you wouldn't want to. I don't know. I don't know how this works but I..." the word caught in her throat, love. Another new concept that Soojin didn't quite grasp outside of family and certain abstract ideas.

Shuhua leaned forward and kissed her. A short, chaste kiss. She let her forehead rest against Soojin's and nodded, her hands coming up to hold Soojin's cheeks. She rubbed tiny circles against her skin and Soojin tried not to lean into it, but ultimately failed.

"Yes," she said before kissing Soojin again. "Just wish you would have said something sooner, idiot." Shuhua laughed, then sniffed in. Soojin looked up to see red rimmed eyes along with a full smile.

"You're crying."

"So are you," Shuhua said with a small roll of her eyes.

Soojin blinked. Oh. She felt a trickle of water run down her cheek. And then Soojin laughed, leaning forward and bringing Shuhua back a little. "You know, we still have an appointment. I'm still your doctor." She pulled away, went to the cabinet to get some tissues.

"Is this your subtle way of telling me to drop my pants?" Shuhua asked, taking the tissue offered by Soojin.

The corner of Soojin's mouth twisted up. "Actually, yes."

Shuhua chuckled from behind her. "Fine. I will allow this for one last time, but the next time it's going to cost Soojin at least two dinners."

See ya in the sequel <3 

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