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Four years later ....


I'm woken up by the sudden sound of laughter coming from the other room. I make my way out of bed and into the living room where I see my uncle Aleksei and Alvara making breakfast. A smile makes it's way onto my face before I clear my throat letting my presence be known , the sound of my throat clearing catches their attention making them look towards me. I furrow my eyebrows as I look at alvara who has pancake mix all over her face and in her hair , then my eyes wonder to the tall man next to her who is also covered in pancake mix. I bite my bottom lip to keep from laughing as I continue to look at the both of them.

"It was all ally's  fault." my uncle says pointing his finger at the four year old.

"What no mommy uncle Alek threw pancake mix on me." she explains while pointing towards the bowl then her face.

I couldn't help the smile that made it's way to my face as I took a seat in one of the bar stools. "I know baby Uncle Alek is a liar." I added earning a dramatic gasp from Aleksei and a giggle from ally . Picking Alvara up and sitting her in the seat next to me Aleksei gives her a plate that consisted of bacon , pancakes , eggs and fruit and then handed  me the same , soon after we all started eating in a comfortable silence except for the noise coming from the tablet of the toddler.

Ten minutes later I collect the plates once everyone has finished eating , placing them in the sink I make my way upstairs into alvaras room. While laying her clothes for school out on the bed I run her a bubble bath to wash all the pancake mix out of her hair reminding myself to ban them both from my kitchen. I place alvara in the tub making sure to wash her really good and get early drop of pancake mix out of her hair , I listen to her babble to her aunt nessa about what happened at breakfast this morning. I even chatted with nessa about how things have been going but shutting her down every time she brings up Vito choosing to not talk about him in front of Alvara because of how much I know she misses her dad and I didn't want a repeat of her crying before school like she has been for the past couple of days. Once I finish brushing her hair into her natural curls we make our way back into her bedroom I lotion her up and put on her outfit for school which was a Gucci dress her uncle got her and a pair of Alexander Mcqueens. *Pic*

Letting her watch tv for bit while I get ready , I make my way into the walk - in closet trying to see what outfit I'm in the mood for

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Letting her watch tv for bit while I get ready , I make my way into the walk - in closet trying to see what outfit I'm in the mood for. While deciding on my outfit I hear someone come into my room and telling by the heavy footsteps I knew it was my uncle.

"When are you going to let Alvara see Vito rue ? It's been four years you really think letting them facetime is going to help anything?" he voiced clearly a bit angry

"I don't want to talk about this right now dyadya." I sighed

" We need to and I know it's not my place dorogoy , but were not her only family and it's pretty damn obvious she misses her dad , Ally cries about wanting her papa all the time. She shouldn't have to suffer because you're still angry at him , I get what he did to you was very fucked up and trust me I still want to kill the bastard but it's about ally not you. Your mom would never keep you from your father no matter how angry she was at him. Just think about it Roux. I'll see you at the office. " he before giving me a quick kiss on the temple and walking out of my bedroom.

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