Chapter 10 "The Threat"

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Yibo carried his lover in his arms. Zhan fell asleep waiting for him to get home. Despite the fact, that the bill was approved, Zhan cannot go back to work, instantly. He's pregnant, so he has to take maternity leave. Ironic. He's a male yet he had to take maternity leave. He's an omega, after all. So it's reasonable and acceptable.

Yibo cannot believe that Zhan loves him too. He put Zhan to bed, tucking him with a blanket. It took him seven months, for him, to win over Zhan's heart. It was really hard to do that. But even though Zhan wouldn't fall for him? He cannot let him go so easily. Call him greedy, but he cannot let him go. Call him desperate. But he loves Zhan so much. He cannot bear to witness Zhan being with someone else and not him.

"Yibo? "

Zhan looked at him with half wooded eyes. The omega was fighting if he would go back to sleep or would move to talk to Yibo.

The alpha smiled. Zhan will always be like this. Though hell fell asleep, the moment when Yibo will arrive. He would always wake up, no matter what the circumstances were. As if he can sense him immediately.

"Go back to sleep Zhan"-Yibo said concerned. It was already 11 pm in the evening. One hour left before midnight, and it was not healthy for the both of them to stay up late at night. He's a doctor. Though he's a surgeon, he knew that it should affect the baby if they would be careless and let Zhan exhaust his body.

But his mate shook his head and asked for his help in standing up.

"Have you eaten your dinner already? Or no?"- asked Zhan.

His sleepiness faded away at the sight of Yibo. He doesn't like the feeling of being worried. Yibo may be an alpha. But still, they cannot be assured that it was always safe for Yibo to stay outside, late at night, exhausting his self in training and with his work in the hospital.

"I can cook on my own Zhan. If you're still sleepy then go back to bed and rest"

Zhan, being stubborn, dragged the alpha in the kitchen downstairs.

"No, you'll eat now. Additionally, I slept for entirely 12 hours, this day. So, it's fine and I'm not sleepy anymore. So, let me be, Love"- Zhan reasoned.

Yibo bit his lips to stop himself from smiling. It's not healthy for his heart. Zhan is being sweet at him.

Zhan was the one who's cooking. But he was still assisting him since he's pregnant.

Earlier, Zhan asked him what to eat. He was going to eat. He was going to refuse and said that he was still full. But his omega mate keeps on glaring at him. Zhan even said that he will be mad at him and not talk to him for a week. Childish at it seems. But he cannot say no, nor decline Zhan's offer.

They ended up having Korean foods. Teokbokki, dumplings, pork cutlet, egg rolls, kimchi, kimbap. Additional for Zhan. A set of fruit and vegetable salad.

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