Making a Way to the Top.

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After the incident on the Temen Ni Gru tower, the two are on their way to the tower while the sun going down at this time. As they walking faster near at the cinema but it was roadblocked but the demons spawn around and it is to many.

Morgan: Do you want to take care it by myself my husband.

Y/n: Your call but we need to not waste time.

As she use her staff and pointed out at the sky, the sky darkened and the energy like spear pointing at the enemy and fired at them. As it gone contact on them, the builbgs and the blocks on the road is destroyed easily, the weapon suddenly survived and picked up by him.

 As it gone contact on them, the builbgs and the blocks on the road is destroyed easily, the weapon suddenly survived and picked up by him

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Y/n: Well I need to pick up and store on my storage.

Morgan: Where is it?

As he disappeared his new pick up weapon but he explained it to her and they work thier way at the entrance.

As they entrance to the big gate and it was open and as the mysterious creature with chains on it and fired a ice blast and they dodged and blocked the entrance.

???: You two shall not pass and you are not worthy of stepping on this place

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???: You two shall not pass and you are not worthy of stepping on this place. Leave or face consequences.

Morgan: Is that a Ceberus but it is only a mere legend.

Ceberus: That is right you woman but you two shall not pass.

Y/n: Have you ever heard a dog show, you bet that you are going go first place you fido and you are really a big talking mutt are you.

Ceberus: Silence!

Then he launched again a ice blast on to them but they dodged easily.

Y/n: Come on little puppy come on. It's showtime huh then let's get started.

Morgan: Looks like you getting excited on fighting that big demon my husband.

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