First Day

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The next few days went by, each day just as chaotic as the last. Mostly Wilbur and Techno fighting or Phil telling his survival stories to Tommy while they did something together. But today it was quiet, which seemed rare in the household.

Tommy lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, after a long and unsuccessful sleep. He sat up slowly and looked at his door that was cracked open just a bit. He slid out of bed and walked out into the hall, looking around. He shifted uncomfortably in the silence, walking down the hall.

He paused at Techno's door, nudging the door and letting it creak open slowly. No one was in there. He frowned, Techno was almost always in his room. He closed Techno's door and walked down the stairs, starting to get worried now. Surely they would tell him if they were leaving, right?

He heard people talking as he got to the kitchen, the back door open and a wire screen door letting in air from outside. He peeked outside and saw Phil out in his garden with Wilbur, Techno on the porch reading a book. Tommy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and walked out onto the porch.

Techno looked up from his book and nodded to him, a ghost of a smile on his lips. "Hello" Techno said, dressed in his usual unusually formal clothing. "You slept late" Tommy shrugged.

"Not really" Tommy said. "I don't really sleep" Techno frowned.

"Tommyyyy!" Wilbur called happily from down in the garden, waving to him. "Good morning!"

"Good afternoon, Tommy" Phil said, looking at his watch with a smile. Phil put down a small shovel he had and tugged off his gardening gloves which were covered in dirt. "I wanted to talk to you about something, mate" Tommy stiffened.

" 's not bad" Techno murmured to Tommy as Phil walked up the stairs on the porch and sat down in a metal chair next to Techno.

"School is starting up soon" Phil started with a smile. "First year of high school, right?" Tommy shrugged.

"First year of any school" He said and Phil blinked, looking somewhat surprised. "But yeah, probably" Phil and Techno shared a look, Tommy a bit jealous at their silent conversation that was probably about him.

"Well in any case- You're going to start school soon- What is it?" Phil said, looking at Techno. "Two weeks..?"

"School starts in three days, Phil," Techno said, not looking up from his book. Phil stared at Techno. Techno looked up slowly. "It's been on the calendar since school ended."

"Well shit-" Phil muttered. "What do you think, Tommy? You ready to go to school?" Tommy shrugged.

"Can't be that bad"


It was terrible. Phil had dropped them off in front of the school ten minutes early but it seemed like everyone had done the same, tons of people filing into the school. Techno nudged him, motioning for him to follow.

"I know another way in" Techno said, watching Wilbur call to his friends and leave his brothers behind. "Back door, almost always unlocked. I use it when it's too crowded." Techno grabbed Tommy's wrist, walking around groups of people until they got to the corner of the school where a door was.

"Oh" Tommy said as Techno let go of Tommy and held the door open for him. Tommy stopped short as he bumped into someone.

"Well well well, if it isn't Technoblade" The kid said. He had short black hair with a beanie on and he was wearing a blue track suit of sorts.

"Alex" Techno greeted curtly. "Get out of the way."

"No way man! I wanna meet your friend!" The kid, Alex said, grinning at Tommy. "Techno's such a party pooper, huh, kid?" Alex put a hand out to Tommy who stepped back.

"Um- Heh not really" Tommy said, Alex's smile faltering for a quick second. "I live with him so I should know." Alex looked at Techno, startled.

" What? " Alex said, Tommy not able to figure out if he was mad or surprised, or both. "Techno! Man! You have to tell me these things!" Alex's smile widened, throwing an arm around Tommy and ruffling his hair. "Any brother of Techno is a brother of mine!"

"I thought you hated me" Techno stated bluntly.

"Hate is such a strong word," Alex said dismissively.

"You tried to kill me"

"It was totally an accident"

Tommy reared away from Alex, getting out of the lazy head lock he had Tommy in. Alex watched Tommy process the information, hiding behind Techno a bit even though he was almost taller than him. "Can we go inside now?" Tommy asked, disterbed on too many levels.

Techno shoved Alex aside and walked inside, Tommy following close behind. "Leave us alone, Alex" He said, not looking back as Alex tried to follow them. "Get to your class, you'll be late." Alex sighed but walked off down another hall. Tommy shifted his bag as he followed Techno to the office.

"Um- Who was-"

"Alex, he's in your year but held back once so I already had to deal with him." Techno said. "Everyone calls him Quackity because he flooded the locker room and filled it with rubber ducks as a calling card, he got caught." Tommy stifled a laugh.

"That's kind of funny" Tommy said and Techno shrugged, leading Tommy into the office.

"Ms.Puffy?" Techno called, a woman with white fluffy hair looked up from a desk.

"Ah, Techno!" She said, standing. "And this is Thomas I presume?"

"Tommy." Tommy said automatically. "Just Tommy is fine" He said, glancing at Techno who just nodded to him.

"Tommy," Ms.Puffy said with a smile. "That's a lovely name, dear" Tommy gave a small smile and thanked her. "You're here for your schedule?" Tommy nodded, Ms.Puffy going to her computer and typing a few things before a printer nearby turned on and started printing something.

"Ms.Puffy" Techno said, Ms.Puffy looking up again. "Alex may be roaming the halls, just to inform you" Ms.Puffy smiled.

"Thank you, Techno, I appreciate it." She said and took the paper that had been printing and handed it to Tommy. "Here is your schedule, dear. I can get someone to show you around if you'd like, or Techno can-"

"I have class to get to as well" Techno said, glancing down at Tommy, who's eyes widened a bit.

"Wh- But-!" Tommy protested but Techno silenced him with a look.

"Go make friends, I'll be around. If you need something then come here, okay?" Techno said, his usual monotone voice sprinkled with reassurance that was reserved just for Tommy. "You'll do fine"

Puffy watched them with a smile before picking up the phone on her desk and typing in a number. "Hello, Schlatt? Hi, can you send Sam down, please?" She asked and a muffled response came from the other end. "Thank you"

Techno ruffled Tommy's hair gently, Tommy looking up at him. "Sam's cool, don't worry about it." He said with a small smile. "You know where to go after school?" Tommy nodded. "Good, see you there. Wilbur has a drama class after school so he wont be there, Phil will pick us up, got it?" Tommy nodded again.

"Have a good day, Techno" Ms.Puffy said.

"You too, Ms.Puffy" Techno said. "Have a good day, Theseus." Techno nodded to them and left the office. Puffy glanced at Tommy with a small smile.

"Theseus?" She said curiously.

"It's a nickname" He said with a shrug and she nodded.

"You needed me, Ms.Puffy?" Tommy looked up as a kid with green hair walked in, taking Tommy by surprise. "Oh- Hello" The kid said with a smile at Tommy.

"Sam! This is Tommy, he's new here" Puffy said with a smile. "I was wondering if you could show him around?" Sam grinned.

"Of course!" He said and nodded to Tommy. "Let's go!" Tommy let Sam lead him out of the office to show him around his new school. 

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