Wilbur is a terrible driver

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The next few hours of school were mostly uneventful, he sat in class and got a quick run down of the rules, some people said hi to him but didn't actually carry out a conversation, and he saw Dream again- Wait what?

He did a double take as he was walking down the hall. Dream was leaning against a locker, chatting with two boys. The unlucky part was that he was right next to Tommy's locker. He thought about just leaving, but he put one of his notebooks in there and he had his homework written in it. Dream looked up as Tommy got to his locker.

"Tommy!" He said, grinning. "How were your classes?" Tommy shrugged.

"Fine" He said and looked at Dream. "What about you?" He figured he'd be somewhat friendly, avoiding any fights like Dream and Techno had.

"I didn't go to class" Dream said and Tommy blinked.

"He skipped class" The boy next to him said, a boy with brown hair, a blue shirt, jeans, and had clout glasses on his head. "Who is this kid anyway?" George looked at Dream, who smiled.

"Oi! Dickhead! I'm not a fucking kid!" Tommy said and Dream chuckled. George didn't look that amused. "You're the one who's a kid. Wearing sunglasses inside and pretending you're funny with your two boyfriends like some second grade girl" The other guy that was there burst into laughter, Dream followed after as George's face lit up.

George whispered something to Dream and walked away, flipping Tommy off as he left. "Wow- Holy shit-" The other guy that was with Dream said. "You're hilarious- George didn't last five minutes." The guy had a white shirt with a picture of a flame on it, jeans and a bandna of sorts around his head.

"This is Sapnap," Dream said, introducing the guy. Sapnap grinned, giving a wave. "So what are you up to, Tommy?" Tommy blinked and pointed to the locker Dream was leaning on.

"I'm trying to get into my locker" Tommy said and Dream pushed off of the locker quickly.

"Oops- Sorry" Dream said, smiling a bit. "My locker is right next to yours actually"

"Oh" Tommy said, not sure how to feel about that. "Cool" Tommy opened his locker and pulled out his notebook, shoving it in his bag.

"Shoot" Tommy looked up as Sapnap cursed, "I forgot- I have to go meet Quackity and Karl at the library for a study session- Bye Dream! See you around Tommy!" Tommy watched as Sapnap run off.

"And then there were two" Dream hummed.

"Yeah- I can see why he ran off- Doesn't want to hang out with a giant green teletubby" Tommy remarked and Dream scoffed, giving a laugh.

"If I'm a green teletubby then what are you?" Dream asked, looking at Tommy who shut his locker door.

"Big man" Tommy said. "Big man TommyInit" Tommy smiled, Dream rolling his eyes with a smile.

"Okay" Dream said, "What are you doing this afternoon?" Tommy shrugged.

"No idea- Tech said to meet him at the front of the school so Phil can pick us up" Tommy said and Dream nodded.

"Cool" He said, it became awkwardly quiet.

"Whelp! Got to go- See you tomorrow" Tommy said and Dream waved.

"Bye, Tommy"

Tommy walked off to the front entrance, he had wasted enough time so everyone was already gone and it wasn't so crowded. He saw Techno standing on the grass outside, looking around, probably for Tommy. Tommy walked outside and waved to Techno.

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