Living the dream

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Sam showed Tommy around the school, sometimes stopping to explain something or say hi to a friend that was walking down the hall.

"Hey Sam!" Someone called, Sam stopping his explanation about the one time there was a food fight in the cafeteria. "Long time no see!" A boy with a blindingly green hoodie, jeans, and dirty blonde hair, walked over.

"Dream!" Sam said with a small smile, not looking very happy to see him but smiled anyway. "Out of detention?" The Dream fellow scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah- Sapnap is still suffering though" Dream said with a laugh. Sam nodded.

"I see" He said, Tommy looking Dream up and down. There was silence for a moment, Tommy deciding to break it.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked, Sam sputtering and looking at Tommy with wide eyes. Dream laughed, taking Tommy by surprise.

"Holy shit- You're funny" Dream said and Tommy huffed proudly.

"Of course I am," He said. Dream raised an eyebrow.

"I'm Dream, and you are?"

"Tommy" He said and Dream smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Tommy" He said "I think we'll get along, you seem cool" Dream said. Sam shifted uncomfortably and smiled at Dream.

"Well me and Tommy have to get back to the tour, its been nice seeing you, Dream" Sam said and nodded to Tommy to follow as he walked away.

"Tommy" Dream said, stopping Tommy before he could leave. "Do you want to eat lunch at my table? Meet some new people?" Tommy shook his head hastily, just to get away from this Dream guy. He was kind of creepy.

"I um- I have plans to meet up with my brother" He said.

"Your brother? Who's your brother, I might know him"

"Um- Techno" He said and Dreams' face darkened, backing off immediately.

"Ah, well- Have a nice day then, Tommy" Dream said and Tommy ran off to catch up with Sam.


When time came for lunch, him and Sam decided to sit together, the both of them getting along pretty well. Sam was a chill dude, very calm but seemed to tolerate Tommy's loud nature.

"Have you heard of Animal Crossing?" Sam asked, sipping on some chocolate milk he had gotten from the cafeteria. Tommy nodded.

"I've heard of it but I've never played it" Tommy said. "Why?" Sam shrugged.

"I thought maybe you'd like it." He said. "I have it if you want to come over to my house and play it some time." Tommy lit up. Sam was inviting him over. Did that mean they were friends? That was quick.

"Maybe" Tommy said, swallowing down his excitement. "I'd have to ask my d- um- gardien." Sam nodded, smiling.

"Yeah! My parents wouldn't mind" Sam said. "They might even know your parents if they went to school together" Tommy hummed, nodding.

"Maybe" Tommy said. "Phil says I can- I've never really had a friend before."

"Wait-" Sam said, putting his carton of milk down. "Your dad is Phil? Like- Philza Minecraft?" Tommy nodded.

"Yeaaah?" Tommy said hesitantly. "Why?" Sam smiled.

"Oh that's wonderful! Phil is awesome!" Sam said and Tommy tilted his head. "My parents know him- me and Techno- Wait! That means you're Techno and Wilburs brother! That's so cool! They're so popular-" Tommy blinked, taken aback by Sam's sudden energy but smiled, nodding.

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