Coming Out (Harry Potter) platonic!

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Phone AU!

You and Harry have been friends for so long people rumored you two were a thing in secret.

"Hey Potter, where's your girlfriend?" People would yell in the halls. Harry didn't mind so much as he used to, but you on the other hand couldn't stand it.

"It's annoying!" You exclaimed , "We aren't dating!"

"Yeah, we aren't. But nothing is going to make them stop. No matter how many times we tel them." Harry groaned reading his book.

"What are you reading?" You asked looking over at him as he shrugged.

"Just some.. boring old book." He shrugged.

"You're probably texting someone." You smirked as he shook his head revealing the inside of his book.

You rolled your eyes, "Whatever." You mumbled grabbing your phone as you smiled at a text message.

"Who are you talking to with that big ol' smile!" He laughed throwing a pillow at you.

"Just someone." You blushed sending a text to said person.

"Is it someone you fancy? a boy perhaps." he chuckled walking towards.

"Ew." You mumbled looking at him. You sat up and sighed. "Heteronormativity." you muttered rolling your eyes.

"What's that?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing." You quickly said standing up smiling at him. "Let's go on a walk?" You asked as he nodded.

You grabbed your coats as you walked outside the common room. People would glance at you with smirks and whispers. "Nice girlfriend Potter!"

"I'm not his girlfriend!" You would yell back with a groan.

"Don't pay attention to them, they do this to get to us." He mumbled with a smile.

"I wish they would stop, it was funny at first but now it's just weird."

You were outside as you two sat on the grass. "It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" You asked as he hummed closing his eyes.

"I wish days like these would last." He sighed looking over to you. "Hey, (Y/n)?" He asked as you looked at him with a smile.

"I have to confess something. Just promise nothing between us will change?" Your heart dropped as you began to get nervous. Is he going to confess?

"What's up?" You asked as he took a deep breath in and out.

"I'm gay." He said looking down at his hands. Your eyes widen in shock.

"No way..." you mumbled looking at him, excitement filled your body. "No way! Me too!" You clapped your hands with a big smile.

"Wait... really?" He asked in disbelief, you nodded as his smile grew bigger. "I... I can't believe it!" He jumped up bringing me up with him. He smiled as we both jumped up and down.

"How funny, we are both gay!" You hugged him as he hugged back together.

"To think I was so nervous you wouldn't want to be my friend!" He smiled as you nudged him.

"You're my best friend Harry." You smiled as he smiled back.

"Are you going to tell Ron and Hermione?" you asked as he thought for a bit.

"Maybe some day... I want to introduce you to my boyfriend." He smiled causing you to smile back.

"It would be an honour to know who stole my best friends heart, and who I'll be fighting if they ever dare to hurt you." You smiled as he smiled back.

"O would like to meet the girl you've been texting all the time." He smiled as you blushed.

"You'll meet her soon, that's if she agrees to date me." You chuckled.

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