last part/thank you

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a few weeks later

Your head was pounding and there were pains all over. Glass surrounded you and this white bag, with a few drops of blood on it, was sticking out of your steering wheel. You couldn't feel your legs or feet. You just knew that might not get out of this alive. 

You started hearing voices screaming and calls for help. In the distance, there was another totaled-up car on its side. You took off your seatbelt and slowly bent forward. You screamed from the pain in your lower abdomen. You were impaled by a glass shard. 

"Fuck," you murmured, tearing up. Using your arms to lift your legs out your door, you made your way away from your car. After crawling (somehow) to a safe distance, you called Sarah. 

"Holy shit, that's y/n l/n!" Many spectators said this while the phone was ringing. 

"Come on, Sarah. Pick up the damn phone," you scolded.

"Hi, baby!"

"Shit- Sarah?"

"Yeah? Is everything okay?"

"I don't know, I-" You groaned from the glass. "I'm at- I'm at Hillhurst. Between Sunset and Hollywood."

"I'll be there as soon as I can, sweetheart. Just- just stay awake, okay?" You could hear her voice cracking before passing out. 

"Y/n," Sarah gasped. "Fuck- y/n, wake up, please. I can't live without you, you know this. Cmon, sweetie." 

You were already on a stretcher about to go in the ambulance as you woke up. You saw Sarah's red eyes with her cheeks stained with tears. "H-hey, beautiful." 

Her eyes lit up. "Y/n! Look, everything's gonna be okay. You're gonna be just fine." She caressed your cheek, softly smiling. 

"We both know that's not true."

"Shh shh. Save your breath."

"S-sarah. Hold my hand." Tears were appearing now. 

"I'm not holding your hand. You're not dying."

"Baby. H-hold my hand." Sarah gave in. "You, Sarah Paulson, are the love of my life. Thank you for showing me what being in love really felt like. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer and make more memories with you, but I want you to move on okay? Please, don't limit yourself. People deserve to have someone like you as their girlfriend. Till death do us part." Your eyes were closing and your limbs were going limp. "I love you." The heart monitor started to beep. 

"Nononono, stay with me." She kissed your hand as she let the paramedics take over. They did absolutely everything they could, but it was too late. You lost too much blood. A constant noise filled the room along with your wife's sobs. 

Alright guys..hehe I'm sorry for this but I did want to have this type of ending. remember not everything a fairy tale and has happy endings :) I wanted to say thank you so much for all of the support I will be continuing my other stories so please check those out!! uhmm yeah and if I choose to be nice ill make an alternate ending :) I love all of you mwah!! <3


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