The Dalton cars ( Agency)

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I don't own Glee

Kurt thought this over.

What did he expect? catching crinimals and letting them go?

"I-I don't know" Kurt admitted.

Nick looked at Kurt understandingly.

"Don't worry Kurt. I know it sounds harsh, but you'll get use to it. Remember you aren't the bad one." Nick said.

But are they? I mean- we? Kurt thought.

Nick noticed the doubt and changed the subject.

"You should go get your belongings. Here are your keys, a gift from the agency." Nick said. " I can't come with you because I have a mission right now." Nick finished apologitically.

"It's really okay." Kurt said.

Nick once again began talking to the bluetooth.

"Where-?" Nick asked. There was a look of confusion then-"-Okay.".

Nick shook Kurt's hand once again and said " Nice to meet you." before turning to leave, back in professional mode.

Kurt could hear Nick talking down the hall as he stared at the keys. He wasn't sure what to do... he didn't even think about an underground parking lot...

Confused, Kurt left. It was better then standing there staring at his keys.

As he walked, he passed by a blond haired boy. The boy stopped right beside Kurt.

"Something troubling you?" He asked.

"Uh..." Kurt asked, wondering how the boy knew.

"I like to think I am a mind reader, but to be honest, your facial expression was quite clear." He answered for Kurt. "Hi there, I am Jeff." He finished, raising his hand for a handshake.

When Kurt accepted the handshake, Jeff was quite enthusiastic, he shook Kurt's hand energetically and even hugged Kurt.

Kurt was taken back.

He couldn't even began to describe the difference between Nick and Jeff.

" erm...I am Kurt." Kurt said, not used to sudden the warm gesture

"I know Kurt! You are our medium agent!" Jeff said.

Kurt was kind of glad he said "Medium agent" and not " Hi New Kid!", this made him feel more as if they were long lost friends, if that's possible.

"Yes! I heard you were in high." Kurt said, smiling.

"Oh. Yes um, that reminds me. Have you seen Nick?" Jeff said, looking worried.

"Yes. He just left." Kurt said, curious as to what made Jeff worried.

"Ah. Tell me. What's bothering you?" Jeff said, more distantly so then.

"I just got these keys." Kurt explained, holding out his car keys. " Where is the parking-" He began to ask.

"That way," Jeff said, pointing to striaght ahead, "then make a left then right turn." He said before rushing a good bye and leaving to, presumably then, look for Nick.

Kurt followed Jeff's direction to find the car.

When he reached the end of the right turn, he found a door with a scan lock. He reached for his fob and opened the door.

Kurt was once again surprised.

The parking lot looked like any other, except it was clean, organized with seven cars on each side.

The cars were practically shining, each in a black colour, all lamborgini's.

"How do you expect to feel safe driving a lamborgini to a fight scene with guns and weaponds!" Kurt burst out, un aware that anyone was there, "Sure, I won't feel nervous sitting in a lamborgini at all." Kurt said sarcastically.

He kind of wish they were just normal cars.

Behind him, a cough, was followed by a voice talking.

"We have lamborgini's because they are one of the only companies that have the technology and will and pay to make "agency" cars."

Kurt turned around, he didn't jump, everyone pops up everywhere so often that Kurt kind of got used to it.

Instead, Kurt looked, somewhat, interested.

" Agency. Cars." Kurt said, questioning.

"Here." Blaine said, walking away from Kurt towards him car.

Kurt watched from a distance as Blaine drove towards him.

"I am going to teach you to drive an agency car." Blaine said.

Dispite what people said about stranger danger, Kurt decided that if Blaine was going to kill him he would've done so early. It's crazy. But he trust Blaine.

"Okay." Kurt said before opening the door and getting in the car seat.

'First thing first. You always wear your seatbelt. I am not kidding. It's a lot more important when you're driving in a car that you could get killed in, especially when you're driving at 400 km per hour." Blaine started.

"Say what Blaine?!" Kurt exclaimed.

Blaine sighed.

"People move for you if you set the siren." Blaine said, pressing a button and causing the car to light up: DALTON AGENCY AT WORK on the sides, infront , below, and behind. "Only use it if it's a life or death situation." Blaine said, looking sternly at Kurt.

Kurt nodded his understanding.

"There are a lot of features to this car, and -" Blaine started before realising something. "Are you suppose to get your belongings?"

"Oh. I forgot." Kurt said, surprised.

"I'll drive you there. I'll explain on the way." Blaine started. " Address?"

"Lima, Ohio, Hummel's tires and-" Kurt started, but Blaine was already typing the full address on the GPS.

These people sure don't hesitate Kurt thought.

Blaine drove them out a slope at to a door that Kurt didn't notice before, quickly scanning his fob and driving outside,the door closing behind them to show a plain looking grass land just like the grass around the door.

Blaine immediately started explaining the effects of the agency cars.

Klaine in agencyWhere stories live. Discover now