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She was a paradox. A contradiction in herself. She knew it. And she loved it.

Soft skin that was not necessarily too fair but not necessarily too dark too. Black hair that flowed freely like water yet obeyed her when she wanted it to. Big graceful eyes, so dark they were almost black as night, yet shone brighter than the stars in the black sky, with the dreams overflowing from them. A cute button nose that you would just want to boop, and then her beautiful yet mean-looking resting bitch face making you decide against it. A somewhat chubby physique but toned, what with all the regular dancing and exercise.

A pretty mouth with plump pink lips that curved into a soothing pretty smile, or a boxy smile when she was over the moon and then, the not-so-nice profanities that sometimes came out from it. A near-perfect set of ivory teeth and the not-so-perfect incisor that protruded just a tiny bit out of line. Those imperfections were what made her all the more intriguing, all the more alluring, all the more bewitching. They were what made her all the more human. Made her all the more perfect.

'_ _ _ _ _'. That was her name. (Sorry, didn't want to disclose her name :/ ) It meant bright, brilliant. And she lived up to it. Well, atleast most of the times. But that was okay because no human was perfect, right? But then again, she might as well have been an angel- that one person everyone has in their life to make it better, to make it more beautiful.

Ever since she had read that one book as a child, she had a weirdly proud feeling that inspired her: that she would play a big part in something special. That she would somehow change the world, for good.

She was really one of a kind. She always went with her gut. She didn't care what people, except her loved ones, thought about her- and sometimes, not even that. She always strived to be the best version of herself and never forgot the values she learned and as a child or even a grown-up, unlike some people. Some things, she learned from her own experiences, and some from other's. Be kind to everyone; Respect is earned not given; Honesty is the best policy; Health is wealth; All work and no play makes jack a dull boy; Be the change you wish to see; You reap what you sow; There are 2 sides of a coin; There will always be that one unhappy person; Practice what you preach; Do what makes you happy; Tit for Tat; It's your life, live it your way; and oh- so many more...

Of course, sometimes she couldn't- or even didn't- follow through them. She knew that sometimes, you have to make exceptions, and well, she was no exception.

She was polite to all but respectful to few. She found it somewhat hard to say 'no' but when the line was crossed, didn't take shit from anyone. She was shy and awkward at first with people yet could- and would boldly tease you to the point of you running out of comebacks when she was comfortable enough. Make a mistake and she would forgive but wrong her again purposely, and justice would be served. She might cry after your bitchy comment or bully behaviour but she knew what to take to heart and what not to. She cried when she was frustrated, angry, hurt, sad, guilty, or even too happy. She believed crying means letting out all the emotions all at once. She hated not being able to control her oh-so-covert emotions so she tried not to cry as much which obviously didn't work cause she still cries a lot.

She was a very 'go with the flow' type of person yet had practiced her grand 'award-show' speech that was never going to happen in front of the mirror a thousand times.
She would shy away from dancing solo in front of someone but ask her to perform on stage and tell me that your jaw didn't hit the ground mid-performance.

That didn't mean she didn't make mistakes or embarrass herself, because she did. How, oh, how many times. She was so embarassing that even you would pale in comparison. Because no one is perfect- not me, not you, not her. And especially not her, even tho she might seem so.

She was perfectly imperfect. And so she was a paradox. A contradiction in herself.
But one that the world desperately needed.

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