º⁓«Alone»⁓º Techhalo

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A Techhalo story! Non-Cannon in the Smp.

Techno and Bad have been dating for a while, but no one knew (Except Phil, He knew they were dating). This also takes place when Techno was going to get executed.

" " means talking and ' ' mean they are thinking

There is very bad grammar. I tried my best since this is my first time writing a story...

TW: Mild Cussing, Character Death, Losing a loved one


•BadBoyHalo Pov•

I was at Techno's place to make sure everything was okay since techno was still in hiding. I've been trying to help Techno by bringing him some supplies so he wouldn't have to go outside. Everything seemed perfect.

Then...I took a look outside the window and saw Ranboo, Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, and Ghostbur(?) making their way to techno's house... 'What are they doing here? Nobody knows where Techno lives other than Phil and Me..' I thought to myself.

"Hey, babe? Ranboo, Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, and Ghostbur are making their way here..." I informed Techno.


•Techno Pov•

"What?!" I answer in a very alerting way. 'Goddamit! Shit, This can't be happening right now!' I think to myself.

"Is everything okay?" Bad speaks in a very worried tone. 'I knew having Bad was a bad idea. He's my boyfriend and I can't have him in danger..' I kept on having millions of thoughts before he spoke again.

"Techno...what's happening..?" He asked again with that sweet smile of his.

"Love?" I say as I walk over to him. I hug him tightly and I soon feel his arms around me as well.

"Yes, Tech?" He answers, still not knowing what's going on.

"I need you to go..." I respond as Bad breaks the hug in alert.

"What? Why? What's going on, Techno?!" Bad says as he holds my hands. His hands are as warm as always, but I need to make sure he's safe.

"I just need you to trust me...Please, just go out through the back!" I say, Not trying to make Bad more worried.

"Fine, Just promise everything will be okay..." Bad responded as he picked up his bag. He gave me a kiss. I just hoped it wouldn't be the last one.

"I promise..."


•Time Skip•

•BadBoyHalo Pov•

Tubbo had gathered a few people for something, I didn't know what it was but why was Techno tied up?

'WAIT. TECHNO?! What is happening right now. Was this why he was telling me to leave...? Why wouldn't he let me help him?'

"Technoblade has robbed our country of everything that made it special" Tubbo spoke out.

'Oh no, Please no...I-It's an execution, Isn't it?!' I thought to myself.

"He stepped in when he shouldn't have, He created chaos, He ruined the government-" Tubbo continued although I wasn't listening to what else he was saying...I was too shocked about the fact this was an execution. All of a sudden I heard it..."Any last words Technoblade?" Quackity said as he was getting ready to pull the lever.

"Yes, Bad, may I speak to you?" Techno answered with a smile. I walk up and look at him.

"Y-Yes?" I speak up getting closer to him.
"Promise me one thing..." Techno said trying not to show emotion.
"What is it?" I ask, tears forming.

"Don't forget me..."

"Well, you two have talked for enough, It's time to pull the lever!" Quackity stated as he begins to pull the lever.


•No one Pov•

It all happened so quickly. You wouldn't believe it, but here we are...Bad sacrificed himself for Techno...But why? This left everyone who was there in shock.

"W-what the Hell just happened..." Quackity said, still trying to process what happened.

"N-no" Techno said slightly crying. Phil came down from his house even though he was on house arrest.

"Techno..." Phil said trying to calm Techno down and untieing him. This wasn't good. Not good at all.

"You bastards! You killed him.." Techno said sounding very angry. He had so much anger inside...just waiting to be let out.

"Why do care that he's dead?! You barely even know him!" Quackity shouted This sentence made Techno Very Angry!

"You wouldn't even know how much I cared for him! HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND!" Techno screamed while he was violently crying. That made everyone who was watching gasp, Nobody other than Phil knew about their relationship.

"W-we didn't know..." Tubbo said. "Of course you didn't know! I was trying to hide from everyone, Maybe if actually believed that I changed he would still be alive!" Techno said finally calming down a bit.

•Techno Pov•

What was I going to do now...It felt like the world was crashing down! For one of the first times I actually felt Alone...


Total words: 830

Sorry that it's so short...There's a lot of things going on at home so I had to Rush it...

Request are still open btw!

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