↯⁜Family⁜↯ Techhalo

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For this chap, ima use the 'Pet names' like, "Darling, Honey, Dear, and Love"

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For this chap, ima use the 'Pet names' like, "Darling, Honey, Dear, and Love"...thank you :)

No One Pov

Techno had just woken up from his sleep and noticed that his husband, Bad, wasn't in bed with him. He figured that he had already woken up and was downstairs waiting for him. Techno got up from the bed and made his way out the bedroom and downstairs.

Techno got downstairs and noticed Bad in the kitchen. "Goodmorning honey!" Halo says to Techno as he's making breakfast. "Goodmorning love." Techno responded, kissing Bad on the forehead. Bad giggled, and got back to making breakfast. Techno sat down at the table and Halo served the food.

"I've been thinking about something, Love." Techno told Bad, "Would you like to meet my family?" "Oh, I would love too!" Bad responded happily. "Really?" Techno asked again. "Of course! We've been married for two years, I think it's about time." Halo reminded the other as he giggled a bit. "Great, you wanna meet them today?" Techno asked. "I don't see why not." Halo responded.

They both got back to eating breakfast after they decided on the time they could go over to visit Technos family.

∘◜Time Skip◝∘

"Are you ready, darling?" Techno asked the other male. "Yes, just a bit." Halo replied to his husband. "Alright, I'll wait for you in the living room!" Techno told Halo as he closed their bedroom door. Bad got his boots on and headed out the bedroom too. "I'm ready, dear!" Halo called out for Techno in the living room. Techno looked up at his husband and blushed a bit. "You look great, Love." Techno told Bad.

(Something similar to what Bad was wearing)

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(Something similar to what Bad was wearing)

"Thank you, honey!" Bad thanked Techno for the compliment. "You're welcome, darling." Techno said with a smile, "Now, we should get going." Halo nodded and followed Techno out the door.

They both decided to walk to meet Technos family. It was a bit far but close enough for Bad not to use his portals since it drained his energy(part of my AU). As they were walking, Techno was describing his family to Bad. "They seem like lovely people!" Halo happily said as Techno was talking about his family. "Yeah...lovely." Techno muttered.

A few minutes passed of Bad and Techno walking and they had finally arrived.

Techno Pov

I went up to the door and knocked. The door opened and saw Phil, my dad, there. "Techno! It's so nice to see you again!" Phil said as he hugged me. "Hello, you must be Technos husband, right?" He asked as he turned to Bad. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you Mr..." My husband paused, "Minecraft, you can call me, Mr. Minecraft or just Phil." My father responded. "Alright, then." Bad replied with a smile.

We both came into the house and sat down. "Boys! Technos here!" My father called out to my brothers. "BLADE!" Tommy yelled out as he ran down the stairs. "Big man!" Both Wilbur and Tubbo called out. "The child, musician, and the ram-" I said jokingly. "I am not a child!" Tommy fought back. Wilbur laughed and hugged me.

"Anyway, this is my husband, Bad." I introduced them to him.  "Hello Technos husband!" Tubbo greeted him, "I'm Tubbo!" "It's nice to meet you, Tubbo!" Bad said happily as he shook his hand. "Hi, I'm Wilbur." Wilbur said as he also shook Bads hand. "Nice to meet you." Bad replied with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Tommy." Tommy better not say anything stupid today.."I wonderin-" I covered Tommy's mouth before he said anything he would regret. "Oh- Well, it's good to meet you, Tommy." I took my hand of Tommy's mouth and pulled him aside.

"Tommy." I looked at him in the eyes, "You better be careful with what you say to my husband." I warned him. "Alright! Geez, I'm not that bad-" He said as we both walked back.

No One Pov

Tommy and Techno entered the room again. "So, how did you get on Technos good side?" Wilbur asked Bad. Bad looked a bit confused since all he knew from Techno was his 'sweet' side. "What do you mean? Isn't he always like that?" Bad replied.

Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur looked at Techno. "Wait..You're actually nice??" Tommy said a bit jokingly. Techno rolled his eyes and stood next to Halo. "Of course I am. He is my husband after all." Techno answered, smiling at his husband.

This is really short but I wrote this before I left so I thought I would kinda finish this up.

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