15. Protect Him

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The ground tore beneath his feet as he ran as fast as he possibly could. They had stopped chasing him further back, realising that he had no place to go and would soon be found but that didn't stop him. He did have somewhere to be and a pretty little brunette to hold dearly.

The surrounding area started to look familiar as the trees grew further apart while mushrooms filled up the remaining space between. Ponds lay scattered, filled with frogs as dragonflies hovered swiftly above water. When the mushrooms grew taller and larger, he knew his destination was just around the corner.

"George! George I'm here!" He called out, hoping the one he was calling would hear. His calves began to ache and his chest heaved for breaths but not once did he slow down. Not when he was this close.

When he finally saw the curved spruce door that was embedded into a hill, there was no sign of the shorter male. Dream knew he was here, he went to Kinoko Kingdom and saw no sign of him. No small giggles and chuckles, no bickering between the two of his best friends, no George.

He slowed to a halt directly in front of the door, hands on his knees as he caught up with his breathing. Small snores could be heard from inside of the abode, which calmed his nerves and granted a small smile upon his face. Without knocking he entered, quickly scanning around the room until his eyes finally landed on the lump of a man in deep blue bedsheets.

Quietly making his way over, aside from letting a few chuckles out, he knelt by the side of the bed. Elbows propped on top of the sheets as he ran his hands through his blonde hair. "Georgie, it's me. Wake up."

He let his fingers move from his own blonde locks to the soft brown ones of the man in front of him, gently moving strands off his face. He looked peaceful, not a scratch on his skin unlike the deep scars and gashes that littered the his own body. His eyes scanned the male in front of him once more before he reached out and gently shook the bare shoulder peeking out from under the sheets.

"Come on now, wake up." Without so much of a movement, the brunette next to him continued to snore softly. Dream shook the shoulder slightly rougher than originally, getting impatient. He always knew his boyfriend slept lengthy times throughout random hours of the day but he had never had to try hard to wake him. Eyelashes normally fluttered open at the softest of touches and ghosts of kisses upon cheeks.

A small panic started to settle into the blondes mind, why wasn't his love waking up? He scanned around the room searching for a potion of sorts that could explain or any form of medicine that could have been left on the spruce counters. It was then that he noticed the large figure standing by the doorway. A presence he had hoped to not see so early on in his escape.

"XD." He greeted the being.

"Dream." It responded. Sending a rumbling shiver through his bones at the sheer sound of it's voice. He averted his gaze from the guest, eyes hovering back over to George as he examined each freckle that scattered across his nose.

"Why won't he wake up?" He muttered, asking no one in particular.

"You should not be here mortal," was the only response he got, an unwanted one at that.

"I don't care to play your games XD. I came to get George and leave, now you either figure out what potion I need to reverse or get the fuck out." Dream spat out, each word laced with hatred towards the being.

"It is no potion earthling. I would not use such simple creations made by the likes of you, they are destructive. However, a fitting description if I say so myself." XD slowly drifted closer, the overwhelming presence of a God making the hair on the back of Dream's neck involuntarily stand up.

"You? What do you mean, you?" Dream's head snapped towards the other, fearing the worst for his partner.

"You asked me to protect him Dream. I did as you ask, for the likes of such a pure being would never be safe in this lifetime."

"Stop speaking in riddles, tell me what you did to him." Dream snapped out, standing to face XD in an attempt to show he was not afraid of it's power.

"You see, Dream, George's soul leaks nothing but purity and it remains untarnished by those around him. Within time, this could change and the boy will become corrupt much like yourself. You requested my help in protecting him and I did as such. I protected him from the destruction of your people and the hatred that runs deep in this place. I kept him away from those willing him to do bad upon others and requesting him to go against the ways in which you are supposed to. You understand that don't you mortal?"

Dreams mouth was agape with shock. He had always known the purity that runs through his love but not once had he ever tried to risk it. How could a creature that would never know the brunette like he did even begin to tell him of the risks of those around him. Hadn't the whole point of Dream's journey so far been to keep George from that? To protect the one he loved from the corruption of the Dream SMP, Wilbur, Quackity even Sapnap.

Due to the lack of response from the blonde, XD continued. "He is under a sleeping curse. I would describe it as more of a blessing to the boy. He will sleep for eternity, dreaming only the most untainted and unpolluted of dreams. You will be there, in his mind. Yet this will be the best version of you, the one of which his thoughts will convince him is the real you. You can try your potions and cry to the Gods for his return but I warn you that it will be no use. This is irreversible dear boy."

Rage overtook Dream as he grabbed the sword that lay against George's dresser, holding it up towards XD. "You were supposed to protect him while I was gone, not curse him you monster." He slashed towards the being, only to witness it disappear into particles then reappear closer to him. It seemed to let out a sigh which caused the tree's in the distance to creak and the roof to rattle.

"I did, did I not? Look at him. He is at peace."

"Bring him back!" Dream screeched out, tears welling in his eyes as he tried to force them back. His chest grew heavy as a lump began blocking his throat.

"That I cannot do for you."

"I said bring him back." He only repeated himself, finding it harder to keep his emotions back as his voice wavered.

"You were always supposed to be the villain, my child." It seemed to stare directly into his soul as a small ounce of sympathy seeped into its tone. Dream was only confused, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Your story does not end as his does. Your story, Dream, ends in flames and destruction. Death even. His story ends in fantasies of loved ones that do not exist, pretend worlds yet peaceful and quiet. Tell me, do those sound like they are one of the same book?"

Dream thought for a moment before his shoulders slumped and he shook his head. "No," he managed to whisper as he glanced once more at George, the beautiful boy he fell in love with at first sight. The brunette he promised he would never leave and would protect always.

"Correct. I have protected the one you love, from you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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