Going out (part 4)

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(Sarv and carol's room)

(Carol was the first to wake up she got out of bed and went to make breakfast)

Ruv: Morning carol

(ruv walked to the fridge and leaned on it)

(Carol got scared for a bit then realised it was just ruv)

Carol: (sigh) morning ruv you scared me a bit

Ruv: oh sorry, is sarv up yet i was gonna go to the park with her

Carol: ha, good luck with that she was up telling me that she was gonna make cookies ALL day

Ruv: ugh, can you help her make them shes not that good at cooking or baking once she burnt the kitchen down at the church

Carol: yea ill keep an eye on her, anyway since Sarv is busy maybe whitty will go wih you

(As soon she said that whitty came out the room)

Whitty: i heard my name?

Carol: oh morning whitty

(Ruv turned his head to whitty then turned back yawning and snuggling into his coat)

Whitty: Morning Carol, morninggg ruvvv

Ruv: morning..

Carol: you alright ruv?

Ruv: yea, ima go wake up sarv.

Carol: ..whats up with him?

Whitty: well i move alot in my sleep so i kinda broke the pillow boarder

Carol: and..?

Whitty: well we started cuddling when he woke up he yelling at me to let him go

Carol: ohhh, well he was gonna go to the park with sarv but shes busy so you wanna go with him?

Whitty: yea sure we were gonna go to the bar so that works out well

Carol: ohh nice just don't get to wasted we might watch a movie later and your NOT Missing the movie like last time

Whitty: fine, but the last movie was bad

(Ruv walked out the room)

Ruv: shes changing it might take a while

Whitty: Alright well what are we gonna do today

Ruv: aren't we gonna go to the bar?

Whitty: oh yea but when are we gonna go

Carol: once your done eating breakfast

(She put 2 plates filled with food on the island counter)

Carol: there eat then you can leave but be back at 7 no excuses

(They sat at the island counter and ate a couple seconds later sarv came out of the room and sat on the couch turning the tv to coco melon)

(Ruv turned to look at her)

Ruv: really your watching coco melon

Sarv: yup, its obviously the best show in the worldddd

Ruv: yea no, Masha and bear are the best

Sarv: your only saying that cuz its a Russian kid show (it actually is tho)

Ruv: Well its still the best

Whitty: done, ruv hurry up, you may be a bit stronger but lord your slow

(Ruv turned back around)

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