The heights of the park (part 5)

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(After everyone woke up they went to a amusement park around 12pm)

Whitty: what are we gonna do first

Sarv: oh i wanna do the faris-weel (she said raising her hand)

Carlo: alright so the fatis-weel first?

Whitty: Sounds good, ruv you coming?

(Ruv had been zoned out deep into his thoughts thinking of what happened last night)

Whitty: RUV

Ruv: huh- what

Whitty: Faris-weel?

Ruv: oh uh, i don't really like heights that much

Whitty: thats ok i can sit next to you might keep you calm

Ruv: i- sure I guess

(They started walking to the faris-weel, sarv started to slow down to be by Ruv)

Sarv: you alright ruv?

Ruv: yea im just a bit confused on what happened yesterday

Sarv: oh well i never got to see you yesterday so i cant really help with that

(While talking to each other they didn't realize they made it there alright)

Whitty: alright were here

Carlo: woah it goes so high up

Ruv: y-yeah so h-high up, h-haha..

Sarv: Its alright ruv whitty will protect you

Whitty: yea you'll be fine nothing will happen i promise

Ruv: ok then but no shaking the cart (idk what to call it)

(They got into the faris-weel ruv and whitty sat next to each other with sarv and carol across from them)

Carlo: Its not gonna be that bad Ruv

Ruv: i guess but DONT start shaking the cart

(He glared at sarv as she looked she was about to start shaking the cart and she looked at ruv back)

Sarv: what i wasn't gonna do anything (she said as she rolled her eyes at ruv)

Sarv: oh look were at the top already!

(Everyone looked out the window but ruv closed his eyes tightly while holding onto Whitty's arm)

(Whitty then looked over to ruv and hugged him telling him he was ok and safe)

(Once carol was done looking at the beautiful view she turned her head to ruv and whitty)

Carol: aww, how cute whitty is acting like a big teddy bear haha

Sarv: Oh thats nothing you should have seen the time ruv was being a sim-

(Ruv pushed whitty away from him and gave sarv death stares)

Ruv: sarv i think its best if you shut up now before i-

Carlo: oh look were getting closer to the floor

(Sarv looked at carol while ruv was distracted looking to the ground (not in the cart))

Sarv mouthed: thank you

Carlo mouthed: your welcome

(Once they were allowed to leave the cart ruv was the first to get off then everyone else got off)

Whitty: aright where to now

Carlo: how about we do the scariest ride in the whole park

Ruv mumbled: pretty sure we just did carlo

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