Chapter 57: Unknown Area

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*After Yugi, Atem, Jaden, Overlord and Herrscher Yugi returned to the others outside the castle they try to figure out whats going on*

Herrscher Yugi: *crossed his arms and glanced over at Overlord Yugi* So...what do you think is going on this time?

Overlord Yugi: *sighed to himself for a moment while he tried to think* I don't know just yet, but stay vigilant like always

Atem: Did you have some type of vision or something?

Overlord Yugi: Possibly...but I don't exactly remember, it was to blurry

Atem: Well thats no help...can you try to remember?

Overlord Yugi: *his eyes started to glow as he clutched the side of his head, he winced a bit as there was some discomfort*

Yami Yugi: ? Overlord? Are you ok? *Looked concerned as he crossed his arms*

Overlord Yugi: Im trying to need to worry about me....

Yami Yugi: Alright then..guys? Have you noticed anything weird before we returned? *turned to Yusei and the others to see what they had to say*

Yusei: yet exactly

Draven: Hm...somewhat, I have felt odd sensations of different energy, and the same goes for Vlad even though he can get affected by it

Yami Yugi: *looked over at Vlad and had a concerned expression on his face* Affected in what way exactly Vlad..?

Vlad: *rubbed the back kf his neck as he felt nervous, he hadn't told his father the reason why*

Yami Yugi: *looked over at Vlad and had a concerned expression on his face* Affected in what way exactly?

Vlad: *rubbed the back of his neck as he felt nervous, he hadn't told his father the reason why it happens* Well, that's because with my power different energy sources affect me in different ways...and sometimes physically or mentally

Yami Yugi: *got a bit nervous and worried as he put his hands onto Vlad's shoulders* W-Why didn't you tell me about it hurting you mentally and physically...I could've helped you

Vlad: I know dad..I just didn't want to worry you

Yami Yugi: Vlad listen, I always care and put reason first you know that I just make sure you and your siblings are ok

Vlad: Ok..but let's worry about this later, I'll be ok

Yami Yugi: Alright then Vlad...just let me know when something is bothering you

Vlad: *nodded to Yugi in understandment* A-Alright I will...

Draven: We should figure out the source of the energy though just in case

Overlord Yugi: Agh..I agree...

Herrscher Yugi: Overlord..are you sure you're going to be ok?

Overlord Yugi: Yes! I'll be fine! Stop worrying about me..

Herrscher Yugi: Ok just chill, you dont have to get hostile with me

Overlord Yugi: *pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation* Lets just get this over with...

Draven: *closed his eyes as a green aura formed around him while he was sensing out where the energy was exactly located*

Vlad: *He didn't risk trying just in case so he just quietly crossed his arms and watched Draven do it instead*

Draven: Huh...that's odd..

Atem: Hm..? What is it Draven?

Draven: This energy is located somewhere we haven't been to before..

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