Chapter 3

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With the others....

Jaden: *putting up Christmas Decorations while Yusei and Yuto put up the Christmas Tree*

Yuto: I wonder why Yugi is still in his room

Yusei: Well...the sun is going down so he's probably gonna stay in there all night

Yuto: Oh yea....your right

Yusei: *sigh* I feel sorry for him not being able to control his power...

Jaden: Yea....I wonder if there is a way to help him...

Yuma: I mean if there is....what would it be exactly...

Yusei: Who knows but.....lets just get everything else ready

Yuto: Yea

(After 2 hours)

Yami Yugi: *was holding his head as he tried to stay in control* I-I can't...I need to control....

Yurape: *was trying to comfort Yugi* Yugi its ok, im here for you

Yami Yugi: *calming down but not enough to help him* *irises were flashing red*

Yurape: ?? Yugi?

Yami Yugi: not....helping...still..having effect..

Yurape: *sigh* are all the windows covered?

Yami Yugi: They...should be..

Yuya: *was looking out of the window in Yugi's room* wait..this was supposed to be covered..?

Yurape: *eye twitch* ....Yes...

Yuya: OOOH.....sorry *covered the window*

Yami Yugi: *irises went back to normal* It's..ok *suddenly passed out*

Yurape: ? ....dang it *picked up Yugi and laid him on his bed*

Yuya: is he ok..?

Yurape: well...with the way he is right now it's common

Yuya: Ah that makes sense but...since his power is the way it is doesn't he do that anyway sometimes?

Yurape: Yea but this is different, anyway let's just let him rest until he wakes up

Yuya: alright..*went to where Yusei and the others were*

Yurape: *followed*

Yuto: phew finally done

Jaden: Dude it was only 2 hours...

Yuto: and? Still a lot of work

Jaden: ........good point, Anyway..Yurape where's Yugi?

Yurape: Oh..he's resting right now after he passed out

Jaden: Ah I see..atleast he's not losing control right now

Zack: Don't say it like that! You might jinx something and it's gonna happen!

Jaden: 😐 Dang it.....

Vlad: *facepalm* I just don't understand why it had to happen period....

Draven: It's not your or our fault not even's just that...he has a hard time keeping different forms under control

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