March 8th, 2015 International Women's Day

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March 8th, 2015 International Women's Day        

        If you were to ask someone close to me, to describe me in one word, I would think it likely that they would say, feminist. I am most passionate about the rights of women, not only in America but in every country.

        I think everyone can agree that for centuries women have been oppressed simply for their gender. There is women who have been oppressed for their gender and the color of their skin. There is women who have been oppressed because of their gender, color of their skin, and religion. It's not a competition to determine who has it worse because none of these women should be put through these things. Oppression of sex, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, etc., needs to come to a stop.
Earlier today my friend, Breanna, texted me and informed me that today is International Women's Day. At first I thought to myself, oh sweet Jesus how could I forget such a great day. I immediately got on Twitter to check out the trends and sure enough #internationalwomensday was trending. As I was reading through the tweets with that hashtag I thought to myself, I have to do something for this wonderful day so naturally I posted a selfie with expressing my love for this day but before doing so I tried to look up some uplifting quotes about women and I've got to tell you what I found was the opposite of uplifting.

        One of the quotes that sort of p*ssed me off went something like this, "Real women don't need feminism." This was said by a Alex Jones who is a speaker on InfoWars who are on YouTube.
As I thought a little more deeper into what he said I started to think of what he might consider a "real woman." For years it has been tradition that women be raised to believe that their place is in the house cooking, cleaning, and being delicate little flowers which is fine and dandy as long as she's allowed to decide for herself whether she wants to do that or not. That is what some men like think a "real woman" is. Which is why he said real women don't need feminism because that would mean no one cleaning my house, cooking my food and pleasuring me. I don't want my woman thinking for herself because we all know where that would leave me. This being said I have the upmost respect for men who do not think of women as personal slaves. We need more men like that. There is also a difference between a woman who wants to take care of her family and a woman who is being slaved around.

        Also on this website "InfoWars" is a big article about how feminism is "mind control." YES, they said feminism is MIND CONTROL. As if there is someone somewhere in a hidden location controlling our minds with some crazy equipment that hasn't been invented as far as the civilians know. God forbid women of every culture, race and sexuality want to thought of as equal to the male sex.

        It's time to open our eyes. This has gone on for far too long. We are all apart of the human race that is then separated into several different races. When we communicate and work together, what race we categorized after human race should be looked passed. Our genders, sexuality, religion, and ethnicity should not determine our worth.

        Thank you so much for reading! 

P.S.: I don't proof-read until after I've posted and even then it might take me a while to correct all mistakes so bare with me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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